Chapter 27 : Health Concern

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The next day, Sathi woke up with determination. She decided to head back to the location she had been working on the previous day, despite the dizziness and collapse she experienced. As she got ready to leave, Ayaan, who had been deeply concerned, intercepted her at the door.

“Sathi, you can’t go back there today,” Ayaan said firmly, his eyes filled with worry. “You collapsed yesterday. You need to rest.”

Sathi sighed, trying to keep her composure. “Ayaan, I appreciate your concern, but this is my work. I have a responsibility to my clients and my team.”

Ayaan frowned, his worry intensifying. “Your health is more important than any project. What if you collapse again? What if no one is there to help you?”

Sathi reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm. “I’ll be fine, Ayaan. I promise. Yesterday was just a fluke. I probably just overexerted myself. I’ll take it easy today, and I’ll make sure to stay hydrated and take breaks.”

Ayaan shook his head, still not convinced. “I don’t like this, Sathi. You scared me yesterday.”

Sathi stepped closer, looking into his eyes with sincerity. “I know, and I’m sorry. But I have to do this. It’s important to me. Please trust me.”

Ayaan sighed, his resolve weakening. “Alright, but on one condition. You have to keep your phone on you at all times and check in with me every hour. If you start to feel even the slightest bit unwell, you come home immediately.”

Sathi smiled, relieved. “Deal. Thank you, Ayaan. I promise I’ll be careful.”

Ayaan reluctantly let her go, watching as she headed out the door. His worry lingered, but he knew he had to support her in following her passion.

As Sathi arrived at the location, she took a deep breath, ready to face the day with renewed determination. She knew she had to balance her dedication to her work with the promise she made to Ayaan.


As Ayaan was walking out of the house, ready to leave after Sathi had gone, he was startled to find Sasha standing outside, her expression unreadable. He immediately felt a wave of annoyance and frustration wash over him. Determined to avoid a confrontation, he continued towards his car, hoping she would take the hint and leave him be.

However, Sasha had other plans. "Ayaan, wait!" she called out, moving quickly to block his path.

Ayaan let out an exasperated sigh, stopping in his tracks. "What do you want, Sasha?" he asked, his tone curt.

Sasha crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing slightly. "We need to talk," she insisted. "You can't keep avoiding me."

Ayaan shook his head, his patience wearing thin. "I don't have time for this. I thought I made it clear that there's nothing left to discuss between us."

Sasha's face hardened, a flash of anger in her eyes. "You think you can just erase everything we had? You think you can just move on and forget about me?"

Ayaan clenched his jaw, trying to keep his emotions in check. "Sasha, whatever we had is in the past. I've moved on. You need to do the same."

Sasha took a step closer, her voice lowering. "I can't just move on, Ayaan. Not when I know you still have feelings for me. I can see it in your eyes."

Ayaan's eyes narrowed, frustration boiling over. "You need to leave, Sasha. This isn't going to change anything. I'm married to Sathi, and nothing you say or do will change that."

Sasha's expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossing her face. But she quickly masked it with defiance. "We'll see about that," she muttered, turning on her heel and walking away.

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