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Three days later

Yoongi's pov

I am teaching right now. After solving the problem I looked towards the students and I saw jimin sitting with his friends not paying attention.

This boy first he doesn't pay attention in class and then at home tell me he forget how to do it. I sighed and continued teaching. I have to talk with him.

After the bell rang "So that's it for today I hope you are preparing well for your test. And jimin plz collect yesterday's homework and bring it in my cabin."

"OK sir" he said standing up. I walked out after giving him a nod.

I went to my cabin and waited for jimin to come after a while I heard a knock "Come in" jimin come inside with notebooks in his hands.

He putted the notebooks on the table and stand before me "Thank god you called me I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Jimin I also need to talk to you" I said looking at him.

He nodded his head telling me to go ahead.

"Jimin I saw you today in the class you were not paying attention at all why's that" I asked softly.

"Maths is boring that's why" he said without any hesitation. "I don't like studying maths"

He answered made me angry "if you find maths boring that doesn't mean you will not pay attention in class you know I hate when students don't listen to what I am teaching and you still do it." I said with a slightly raised voice.

When I look at him his eyes were teary and when we made a eye contact a tear slip from his eyes. Oh shit I forget how sensitive he is. I quickly went to the door and locked it.

I went towards jimin and hugged him"i am sorry jimin I shouldn't have shouted at you."

He was still crying I took him to the couch without breaking the hug.

"Jimin look at me I am sorry it's just I am worried for you if you keep ignoring maths it will effect your grades that's why I got angry and shouted at you I am sorry please" I said wiping his tears.

It's okay it's not your fault I am at the wrong here but I promise I will not do it again I will try to understand maths " he said sniffing.

"And I will help you whenever you need it." I said smiling.

He has stopped crying now but his cheeks and nose is red due to crying. He look so cute.

I got up from the couch "wash your face in my cabin's washroom before going back." He nodded and went towards washroom.

Jimin's pov

I went to the rooftop as it was free lecture. To be honest I was scared when yoongi shouted at me. It was not the first time as my step mother always shouts on me but when he shouted at me it was different.

But he was right I should focus more on my studies. I promise that I will not disappoint yoongi and dad.

After spending some alone time I went to cafeteria as it was almost time for lunch.

"So how was it." Tae asked teasingly.

"What" I asked looking at him confused.

"You spent a whole hour with Mr min alone. So he is asking you what you guys did?" Jungkook said explaining the situation.

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