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I had a comment mention that in the Uk, they are doing something similar to, trying to negatively effect Trans people and their rights. 

I want to bring this up, because LGBTQIA+ is world wide, where anyone can be part of the community, which also means it opens up the facts that not all countries will accept that, and like America, will try and ruin that.

While project 2025 is within the American Government, this isnt the first time something has tried to ruin the lives of LGBTQIA+, and it wont be the last. If project 2025 succeeds or even if it doesn't, im afraid that this might give other countries ideas, and those who are against LGBTQIA+ might start trying to stand up against us again. 

I've already heard of genocides and such about LGBTQIA+, and the fact that people can hate someone because of their identity to the point where they and whole groups are willing to kill them.

This one is going to be a little more shorter than most, but I want this to be said and aware, I want everyone to be as safe as possible, and i hate people getting hurt because of who they are.

Stay safe.

we are here, we are queer

Stay proud!

Discord for Anti-Project 2025 protest ^^^^

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