Perilous Depths

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Commander Gree's hologram flickered slightly, but his presence was unmistakable. "Lieutenant Condor, a stealth force of Republic Commandos entered the catacombs beneath the arena earlier today. We lost contact with them a few hours ago. Your new mission is to locate and rescue them."

Condor's eyes narrowed with determination. "Understood, sir. Do we have any intel on their last known position or the nature of the enemy down there?"

Gree's expression was grim. "We lost contact with them near the central catacomb junction. As for the enemy, expect Geonosians and possible droid patrols. The catacombs are an unknown variable, Lieutenant. Proceed with caution. A gunship is en route to your location to extract you and one of your squads."

Condor nodded sharply. "Yes, sir. We will find and extract the Commandos."

The hologram flickered out, and Condor turned to Sparks. "Relay the orders to Sergeant Brawl. He and his squad are with me."

Sparks saluted and quickly patched into the squad's comm frequency. "Sergeant Brawl, report to Lieutenant Condor's position immediately. New orders from Commander Gree."

As Sparks worked, Condor took a moment to assess the ongoing battle. His keen senses picked up the determined efforts of his men holding the line, their blaster fire pushing back the Geonosian and droid forces.

Within moments, Sergeant Brawl arrived, his squad in tow. "Sir, Sergeant Brawl reporting as ordered."

Condor nodded approvingly. "Brawl, we have a new mission. A stealth force of Republic Commandos is lost in the catacombs beneath the arena. We're going in to find and extract them. A gunship is on its way to pick us up."

Brawl's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "Understood, sir. My squad is ready."

Condor looked over the squad, their expressions hidden behind their helmets but their readiness evident in their stance. "Alright, men, this mission is critical. We're heading into unknown territory, so stay sharp and stick together. Brawl, keep your men tight and watch each other's backs."

The distant whine of a gunship grew louder, signaling its approach. Condor led his squad to the landing zone, the gunship touching down with a thud. The ramp lowered, and they quickly boarded, securing their gear and preparing for the descent into the catacombs.

As the gunship lifted off, Condor took a moment to address his squad. "Remember, we're going in to save our brothers. This isn't just about completing a mission; it's about bringing our men home."

The squad nodded, their resolve clear despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead. The gunship sped toward the arena, the ground below a blur of reddish-brown as they approached their insertion point.

The pilot's voice crackled over the internal comms. "Approaching LZ. Get ready for a hot drop."

The gunship hovered above a narrow entrance to the catacombs, its side doors opening to reveal the darkness below. Condor's sharp senses picked up the faint sounds of battle echoing from within, a reminder of the urgency of their mission.

"Go, go, go!" Condor commanded, leading the charge as they rappelled down into the catacombs. The cool, damp air hit them as they descended, their blasters at the ready.

The dimly lit tunnels stretched out before them, the walls lined with ancient carvings and the occasional flicker of energy from Geonosian technology. Condor's keen eyes scanned their surroundings, every shadow and movement scrutinized for potential threats.

"Brawl, take point with your squad. Sparks, monitor our comms and try to re-establish contact with the Commandos. Slice, Tank, and the rest of the platoon will hold the perimeter topside alongside the rest of the 41st," Condor directed.

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