Chapter 31 - Nate

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I watch Elena closely; there's a split second where doubt crosses her face, but she gives her head a shake and looks up at us, "You won't bring me back to him."

Dorian scoffs, "he thinks it's just sex between us."

"It's not?" Brianna screeches, glaring at Elena with pure fucking hatred in her eyes.

Dorian ignores her and stares at Elena, "we'd give it all up for you, baby."

"You're not giving up shit." She grits her teeth, glaring down at Brianna, "Lucas?"

"Yes, little doll?"

"Can you please bring me a piece of paper, and a red lipstick from my vanity?"

"Of course, sweet dolly." He kisses her, biting down on her bottom lip before walking out of the room, whistling gleefully. He's like a fucking rabid golden retriever when it comes to her.

Elena circles around to stand behind Brianna, but catches sight of Marshal and Jensen and her eyes widen, "are you guys ok?"

They're both crying, tears trailing down their cheeks, but they hold their heads up, sniffling and giving Elena a smile.

She looks from them to the laptop, a grim expression spreading across her face, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Jensen shakes his head, "I'm sorry you had to live it."

Elena narrows her eyes, her nails digging into Brianna's shoulders who winces, "it's not my life anymore."

She leans forward, bringing her lips to Brianna's ear, and stroking her hair like she's some kind of pet, "you're going to send a little message back to Frank for me. I have something I need to tell him."

Brianna's breaths are shaky and her lips tremble as she speaks, "w-what is it?"

Elena sits up on the table next to her, extending her arm and Logan places her hammer in the palm of her hand. Her fingers curl around the handle and she grins wickedly down at Brianna, "well, if I tell you, it'll ruin the surprise."

Brianna starts to scream, but it's cut off when Elena swings the flat end of the hammer directly into her temple. She crashes to the floor and Elena slides down off the table, standing over her, a smirk on her face, "say hi to your daddy for me."

She raises the hammer up over her head and brings it down on Brianna, smashing it into her face. Elena is splattered with blood, the sight truly a glorious one to see. It drips down her face, and between her tits, it stains her clothes, and clings to her hair, making her still damp curls slick and sticky.

Brianna is on the edge of death, her body twitches and her breaths come out short and wheezy. She stares up at Elena, only one eye able to stay open and it's dilated in terror as Elena swings the hammer down on her again, killing her swiftly.

She stands up straight, breathing heavily and her eyes wide with a mixture of adrenaline and rage. "I can't make her too unrecognizable" she shrugs, laying the bloody hammer on the table.

Lucas walks back into the room, stopping in his tracks and groaning loudly, "Little doll! You could have at least waited for me so I could watch you kill her."

Elena smirks up at him, curling a finger to coax him over to her, "I'm sorry Lucas baby." She trails the back of her blood soaked hand down the side of his face, "You can help me hack her to pieces so we can send her back to Frank in a pretty box."

Jensen lets out a choked cough, "Oh" he says, staring at Elena and Lucas, "so she's like crazy crazy?"

I feel myself chuckle and Lucas grins, "Yup," he says happily, biting down on her cheek and shuddering, "She's perfect."

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