Reason 2 (part 1)

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"You give everyone a second chance. Even if they don't deserve it."

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"I need the details, Maomao!" Ying whined, pulling on Mao-Li's sleeve as they walked through the school halls.

"Sorry Ying, Mr Wu told me not to make a big deal of this. That includes not telling my best friend any close details," She stated with a shrug.
Ying let out another whine.
"That is so not fair, even if I promise not to tell a soul?"  She begged.

Mao-Li nodded.

"Sorry, but for now I can't tell anyone."

With a pout, the girl intertwine their arms. Mao-Li chuckled as they made their way through the halls. They stopped in front of a door with a sign that read "Arts class."

"Well, this is my stop, text me when you get home so we can call!" Ying smiled, waving as she disappeared into the room.

Mao-Li smiled and continued walking. After feeling a buzz in her tote bag, she reached into it and seen a message.

"Library. 10 minutes."

The sender wasn't in her contacts list, but she had a good idea about who it was. After looking closer, she recognized it as the number that Mrs Liu sent for her son.
With a small smile, she quickly typed out a message and sent it, then slipped her phone back into her bag.

On her way, she stopped at the vending machine. In the vast array of drink selections, she opted for the canned jasmine tea.
As she put the coins in and punched in a number, she felt another buzz from her bag.

Once again, she took a look at her phone, only to see three question marks in an otherwise blank message.


Her brow quirked as she opened up the message page. Immediately, her eyes darted to her last message.

"Got it 😘"

Her face heated, fingers quickly going to delete the message as she had sent with the wrong emoji. It seems the thumbs up one was right next to the kissy face, causing her to click that one on accident.

In a desperate attempt to save herself, she sent another message. The correct message this time.

"Sorry, clicked the wrong one. I meant 👍" 

A sigh left her lips as she closed her phone.

She leaned down and received her tea from the vending machine. After a moment of thought, she inserted 2 more coins and looked over the options.

'Hmm, A peace offering...what does he like?."

After a moment, she clicked a button for peach green tea and received it from the bottom. 

She hurried across the halls, tea in hand as she arrived in front of the library door. With her shoulder. She pushed the door open slowly and let it close behind her.

{ 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 }Where stories live. Discover now