Chapter 1

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                            THE WORKSHOP

Richard's POV
         I escape into my workshop, the one place where my uncle's cruel words and harsh blows can't reach me. The smell of solder and circuit boards envelops me, a comforting embrace that soothes my frayed nerves. My fingers fly across the keyboard, lost in the world of code and calculations.

         But even as I immerse myself in my work, the memories linger. My uncle's sneering face, his condescending tone, the feeling of helplessness that washes over me whenever he's near. My uncle took me up when I was still a small child after my parents had just died and had become a guardian angel, but instead of the care and support I was suppose to receive, all I received was cruelty from him. I push the thoughts aside, focusing on the glow of the screen and the hum of the machinery.

        My latest project, Chrono, takes shape before my eyes. A time machine, my ticket to freedom and vindication. I'll show my uncle, show everyone, that I'm more than just a worthless orphan.

       The door slams open, and my heart skips a beat. My uncle's towering figure fills the doorway, his eyes scanning the workshop with disdain. "What's all this nonsense, boy?" he sneers, his voice dripping with contempt.

       I stand tall, my eyes locked on his, and for a moment, I forget the fear and the pain. "This," I say, my voice steady, "is my future. And you can't take that away from me."

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