Chapter 13

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A/n: Sorry guys I ran out of ideas but now I'm back😅😅, please call all my viewers back please, I'm really sorry 😞😞
I hope y'all like this chapter


As we explored the new world, we stumbled upon a figure cloaked in shadows. Their presence was eerie, and their eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice firm but cautious.

The stranger stepped forward, revealing a tall, slender frame with long silver hair and piercing green eyes.

"I am Lyra," they said, their voice low and mysterious. "And you, travelers, are a long way from home."

Lyra's gaze seemed to pierce through us, as if sizing us up. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"What do you want from us?" Sophia asked, as she sounded so courageous and fearless, maybe that fight brought out her inner demon

Lyra chuckled, the sound sending a chill down my spine. "Oh, I don't want to harm you. At least, not yet. I have a proposition for you."

Marcus stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "What kind of proposition?"

Lyra smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "I can show you the secrets of this world. The hidden paths, the ancient ruins, the mysterious energies that flow through this land."

I exchanged a skeptical glance with my friends. Something didn't feel right.

"What do you want in return?" I asked, my voice wary.

Lyra's smile grew wider. "Oh, just a small favor. A tiny task. Nothing too dangerous, I assure you."

I hesitated, unsure if we should trust this mysterious stranger. But something about Lyra's words resonated deep within me. A spark of curiosity, a hint of adventure.

"Tell us more," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

And with that, Lyra began to weave a tale of ancient magic, hidden temples, and forgotten technologies. A tale that would change our lives forever

Lyra's words painted a vivid picture in our minds. We listened, entranced, as she spoke of a long-lost city deep in the heart of the world. A city where ancient technologies and magical energies converged, waiting to be uncovered.

"But be warned, travelers," Lyra said, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "The path to this city is treacherous. You will face challenges that will test your courage, your wits, and your resolve."

Marcus frowned, his brow furrowed in concern. "What kind of challenges?"

Lyra's smile grew wider. "Ah, that would be telling. But rest assured, the rewards are worth the risks. You will discover secrets that have been hidden for centuries, and you will unlock the true potential of this world."

Sophia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm in. When do we start?"

I hesitated, weighing the pros and cons. Something about Lyra's words resonated deep within me, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being led into a trap.

"Let's think about it," I said finally. "We need to discuss this further before making a decision."

Lyra's smile never wavered. "Very well, travelers. Take all the time you need. But know that the clock is ticking. The longer you wait, the more dangerous the journey will become."

With that, Lyra vanished into thin air, leaving us to ponder the mystery of the lost city.

We stood there for a moment, looking at each other uncertainly. Then, without a word, we knew what we had to do. We had to explore this further, to uncover the secrets that Lyra had hinted at.

And so, our journey began. A journey that would take us to the depths of the unknown, and back again.

Do you want me to continue with the next part of the chapter?

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