Chapter 2

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                           THE UNCLE'S PLAN

         My uncle's eyes narrow, his gaze fixed on Chrono with a mixture of fascination and disdain. "That thing will never work," he sneers, his voice dripping with condescension. "You're wasting your time, Richard. You'll never amount to anything without my guidance."

         I feel a surge of defiance, but I know better than to cross him. Not yet, at least. I've learned to pick my battles carefully, to wait for the right moment to strike. So I force a neutral expression, trying to appear nonchalant despite the tension coursing through my veins.

         "It's just a hobby, Uncle," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Something to keep me occupied in my free time."

         But my uncle's eyes gleam with a calculating intensity, his mind working overtime to exploit my talent for his own gain. "I have a proposal for you, Richard," he says, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Join me at NeuroSys, and I'll make sure you have all the resources you need to pursue your... hobbies. You can work on your little projects in your free time, as long as you contribute to the company's goals."

         I know what he's really after. He wants to harness my talent, use me to further his own ambitions. He's been trying to recruit me for months, but I've been hesitant. I don't want to be beholden to him, or trapped in his web of deceit. I've seen what happens to those who cross him, who refuse to play by his rules.

         But I also know that refusing him outright would be dangerous. He has a way of making people disappear, of silencing those who oppose him. I need to tread carefully, bide my time until I'm ready to make my move.

         "I'll think about it," I say, trying to sound hesitant. "But I need some time to consider my options."

         My uncle's smile is like a cold breeze on a winter night, sending shivers down my spine. "Good boy," he says, his voice dripping with condescension. "I knew you'd see things my way. You have a week to decide. After that, the offer expires."

         As he turns to leave, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. But I know it's temporary. I have a week to come up with a plan, to find a way to escape my uncle's clutches once and for all. And Chrono is my only hope.

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