Chapter 10

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After we had just finished the showdown with my uncle and thought the fight was over, we started noticing a strange appearance happening above in the sky. The clouds became darker and something like a portal started to emerge above the sky.

That's when we saw it, something like a figure that appeared in the sky but as it hovered down towards us, it became clear. It was a woman, with long, Amber colored hair which was slightly above her waist and her appearance was bright.

"I am the guardian of the timeline" she said as her voice showed the amount of power she has "and no one will take over the timeline without going through me".

I was surprised that the guardian would come and challenge us to a duel, I knew that the fight wouldn't be an easy one but I accepted it inorder to be able to guard the timeline from people like my uncle

"We accept" I said, as I said that I noticed the way the Marcus and Sophia looked at me with the shock in their eyes, "we got this" I said, and they nodded and we started fighting

We fought for about 1 and half hours until we started to doubt if it would be possible to defeat the guardian, we were almost about to give up at some point but something made us to go on. We knew that we couldn't defeat the Guardian in a straight fight, so we decided to use our knowledge of the timeline to outmaneuver her.

"We need to find a way to get around her," I said, thinking aloud. "Maybe there's a weakness in her defenses that we can exploit."

Marcus nodded. "I think I know what you're getting at, Richard. You're thinking of the temporal loops."

Exactly," I said. "If we can create a temporal loop, we might be able to trap the Guardian in it and escape."

Marcus's eyes widened. "That's a risky move, Richard. If it doesn't work, we could be stuck in the loop forever."

I nodded. "I know it's risky, but I think it's our only chance. Let's do it."

We came up with a plan to create a temporal loop, using our knowledge of the timeline to our advantage. We attacked the Guardian, using the loop to our advantage. The Guardian was trapped, reliving the same few seconds over and over again.

But then, something unexpected happened. The Guardian began to adapt to the loop, learning how to navigate it and even use it to her advantage.

"We need to think of something else," Marcus said, his voice urgent. "The Guardian is getting stronger."

I thought quickly, trying to come up with a new plan. And then, it hit me. "The timeline," I said. "We need to use the timeline against her."

Marcus's eyes lit up. "You mean, like a temporal paradox?"

Exactly," I said. "If we can create a paradox, it might be enough to defeat the Guardian."

We quickly came up with a new plan, one that would use the timeline to our advantage. We created a temporal paradox, and the Guardian was defeated.

We had done it. We had saved the timeline. But as we stood there, catching our breath, we knew that our work was far from over. There were still threats out there, and we had to be ready to face them.

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