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All I have loved has surely died- Sunday's Suicide

It seems like yesterday held so many great memories, but that was just yesterday, yesterday. It's all gone, it's been gone for years now, years I wish could be taken back, time that can't be brought back. On the edge, swallowed by the darkness of black, it all disappears, it's all disappeared. Every part of that life I used to have has died, everything has gone, but where has it gone?

Not filled with hate, no lot filled with love, just numb, always numb. One by one, it all died, all I loved went away, memories of it all spread like ashes on the dead man's grave. There's nothing left of any of it left to save. They all went away, they all have became dead today. Nothing left to hold onto, not even this feeling that erodes at the hole where there should be a soul. If there should be a reason why everything turned to black should any mortal know? As I grieve alone I weep, there is nothing important in this bitter life left to show, all of it has been merely buried in red snow. As I'm still here it makes me ponder where do all of the good souls go?

What did I do to deserve this, why can't nothing good stay? Who am I to be saved and safe and loved? As the cold winds blow it's then when I realize that all I love has surely died. Little l bodies hung and left for death, little shilloutes dance through no one one heads. Love, love, love has surely died it has long since left all that was, it will never be in what's to come. It left me to rot, they left us all to rot. All that I have loved has left this earth, and none of it is coming back, lost in time and space never to be seen to the living again. It's all gone, I shall soon be gone, and all I have loved has surely died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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