A little help?

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I have like two things to write about but I have no idea how. One of them is a dream but I have no idea how to start it and put important little details in and something really funny happened in it but I wanna keep this serious. I also wanna write a little poem thing about what goes on in my mind when it gets real bad but I have no idea how to structure it and whatever. I'm also kind of being shadow banned on tiktok. I haven't gotten any views in like forever except for a few on my most viewed post. I just don't know what to do anymore. I got blocked by someone who made me feel really happy and now I feel like I invaded them and im on the verge of crying. I feel like nothing I do gets out to anyone. I feel isolated from everything. I can't leave the house, and non of my friends are answering me and I feel like I'm harassing them when I double text. I wanna make this book a thing but I'm so stuck. Does anyone have any advice or something for me? Please

Ps: I'm also having the biggest headache while writing this 😭

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