My Door

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     May, 27th-28th, Sunday-Monday, 2024. I was lying in my bed, scrolling through TikTok again. I couldn't sleep again. So I rolled over to face my door and I noticed it was open a crack. I know I closed it. At least I thought it did but I also thought maybe I forgot and just thought I did. So I got up and closed it. I laid back down, facing the opposite direction, scrolling on TikTok again, and then when I turned over to face the other direction, there the door was open again.

     I started to get a little worried but I still got up, closed it, and laid back down. This time I didn't face the opposite direction of the door and I saw it open by itself.

     Then I really started to get worried.

     I also had shelves of those anime figures on either side of the door, so I started to suspect that they were haunted and messing with me through my door. I got up, closed it, and laid back down. I watched it open again.
By now I'm curled up into a ball in the corner of my bed, trying to scream, but nothing would come out. So I closed it and laid back down.

     This time when I watched it open I got annoyed and jolted up out of my bed to go over there and see for myself who or what kept opening my door. I jumped up and ran to it and turned the light to the hallway on, and there someone was in the bathroom, with the door open, and light on. I was sure it was them. I yelled and pointed "It's you!" They reluctantly agreed and I went back to bed comfortable with the fact that I knew it was just someone in my house messing with me.

     But then it swung open with full force. Nothing was out there. No lights were on. No doors were open, besides mine. I was terrified but either way, I got up and noticed one of those figures on the ground, right in the way of the door.

     There was a voice that said it was not the person in the bathroom, but rather the figures on either side of my door instead.

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