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A/N: Before we start with this chapter, I just wanted to say that thank you for all the views, it means a lot to me. Also, keep commenting and voting, it motivates me to write more. My past chapters have been very detailed, a chapter of the book with a chapter of this story, but from now on, I will be trying to make the chapters more summarized and fit more chapters into one chapter of the Wattpad story. Thanks again and enjoy the story! 

Me and Harry went out to the Quidditch pitch that evening, after classes, so Harry could finally teach me how to ride a broomstick. The weather that day was very nice, and it made my mood lift extremely. I was really ecstatic, and was bugging Harry about it that day, since Harry didn't have a lot of homework, and had some time before his Quidditch practice. 

"Harry, how does Quidditch work, exactly?" I bugged him, as we walked into the Quidditch pitch and set down our brooms, mine from the school supply. 

"So, there are those three hoops on each side of the pitch, and the Chasers, who are Angelina, Katie, and Alicia in the Gryffindor team, have to throw the Quaffle, that's the big red ball, into those hoops. The Keeper, which is Ron, tries to prevent the balls going into those hoops. " Harry started. 

"Like basketball!" I exclaimed. 

"Exactly, but you're flying and the hoops are high and standing on their side. The crazy balls are the Bludgers, who try to hit everyone to get them out of the way. The twins are the Beaters, who hit the Bludgers to try and knock some people on the other team down. There's the Snitch, which is the golden ball and the Seeker, me, tries to catch it. The Snitch is worth 150 points and each goal is worth ten. Any questions?" Harry said, quickly. I could tell he was very excited as well to teach me Quidditch. 

"No, it feels oddly familiar to me," I said, trailing off. "But that's probably because I saw you playing." I said, laughing awkwardly. 

Harry grimaced, and dropped to the trunk, which was shaking madly. "What is in there?" I asked, eyeing the trunk warily. 

"Those are the balls. I told you the Bludgers are crazy." Harry said, chuckling. 

He opened the trunk and I saw a bright red ball, the biggest ball there in the middle, and chains holding two crazy black balls. There was a tiny, walnut sized, golden ball with tiny wings that were fluttering madly. 

"Let's see how you are with Seeking!" Harry exclaimed, and let the Snitch fly out of his grip. "Do you know how to fly on a broom?" 

"So, you just throw your leg over it, and push off the ground?" I asked. 


"Okay," I said, and kicked off of the ground and surprisingly shot up and steered perfectly. 

Harry took his much faster broom and shot up to my level. "You're a natural! Now try to get the Snitch, its somewhere around the pitch." Harry said. 

I spotted it immediately next to the empty stands, and flew over to it and grasped it with my cold hands. 

"Wow, Olivia, that is extremely impressive!" Harry gushed. 

I flipped my hair and pursed my lips. "Thanks, Harry." I said, smacking my lips in a Draco Malfoy fashion. 

Harry laughed and landed on the ground close to the left edge of the Quidditch pitch and I followed close behind him. "Let's see how good you are with the Bludgers." he said, handing me a battered bat. 

"Fine, I won't get hurt anyway," I joked. 

Harry smiled at me and released one of the Bludgers out of their restraints. The Bludger shot up into the air and stopped in the air for a few seconds before dropping, and I realized a horrific truth. If I hit it, it would make a huge crack like it would with baseball and it would not be realistic to hear a thunder crack in the middle of a sunny day. 

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