Hannah West's backstory

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Hannah West is the adopted daughter of Joe West. When she was 14-years-old, she was swimming in the water front of Central City, when Harrison Wells' particle accelator exploed. The current was so strong she almost drowned. And the particle accelator gave Hannah water powers.

Hannah lived on the streets of Central City for months, with zero control of her powers, on drugs, and shoplifting food to survive. Hannah was found by Joe West after a traumatizing experience with a couple muggers. Joe rescued her and decided to take her in.

After she was getting more comfortable around Joe and Iris, Barry Allen woke up from his nine month coma. When Barry discovered his psuper speed and told Joe, Hannah decided to finally tell Joe about her powers. Hannah eventually learned how to contol her powers, kind of, Hannah resorted back to drugs and crime. She shoplifted food and pickpocketed people for money.

When Joe discovered what Hannah was doing in her free time, he sent her to juvie for about 2 months, and rehab for 4 months.

After Hannah got out of rehab and juvie, she got an invitation to join Team Flash, as Water Girl. Barry saw that Hannah was still being defiant, so he called Oliver Queen for advice. Oliver told Barry that he could train her. So, Barry talked to Joe and when he said yes, Oliver and Felicity came to Central City to get Hannah and take her back to Star City.

Hannah trained with Oliver and learned how to use a bow, while Dig trained Hannah in hand-to-hand combat. Hannah got an internship at the D.A's office through Laurel, she was loving living in Star City, that is till she got kidnapped. They had her on all sorts of drugs, and had kept her sedated through most of it. When Team Arrow finally rescued Hannah she was brusied badly, very bloody, severely starved and dehydrated.

After a couple weeks, Hannah was feeling fine, but her powers were out of control. So, Hannah did the only reasonable thing to protect her friends, she quit Team Arrow, moved back to Central City and got an apartment. When Hannah moved back she discovered that Joe had finally adopted her. Hannah also met her actually adopted brother, Wally West. Then one night walking home from work she was recuited by a man named, Rip Hunter to travel through time and stop a man named Vandal Savage's rise to power, and conquering of the world, in the future. And to save the world. What will her decision be?


Next Chapter will be posted next wednesday

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