Partners in Business

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 Sun beamed against the water of the Irish Sea. Sailors gathered along the pier, making it nearly impossible to see the old brick building with the wooden sign that read Dalton's Barber Parlor. Blackpool was beginning to prove to be a challenge to Benjamin, the sailors that frequented his new place of work were loud and rough, they had no respect for anything or anyone. He was already growing homesick for Esholt, missing his mentor, Mr. Atlas Todd and his long gone mother.

After a month of shaving smelly sailors, not seeing a single familiar soul, it was a relief what an all so known face waltzed through the front door of Dalton's. "Montgomery?" Benjamin jumped up from his slumped over position in the corner, "Montgomery Straus, is that really you?"

"Barker!" He grinned, pulling him into a hug, "You do look older,"

"It 'as been three years, lad, of course I do," he chuckled.

"How have you been, Benjamin? I mean, after Atlas' passing, it must be hard,"

"Indeed it is. But, I am grateful for everything he has taught me, that is what ended me up here,"

"Yes, but is this really what you want? A matter of fact, that is why I am here," Mr. Straus said, "I have booked two passages to Dundalk for this Sunday. I have plans to meet up with on of my old friends, Mr. Patrick Plunkett - perhaps Atlas may have mentioned him before - but I intend to partner with him. Her owns a shop in town, very well known, but I will like to help him expand-"

"Always trying to make more money still, I see," Benjamin chuckled.

"Who doesn't need it," he laughed, "I was thinking to find you-"

"Which you have,"

"And take you to Ireland with me and us two can partner with him to open a barber shop perhaps attached to his business,"

"Which will not happen,"

"Come on, Barker! Think of what this can get us," he attempted to persuade him.

"It can get us stranded in Ireland,"

"Let it. It's an adventure, lad, enjoy it," he smirked, "and, y'know, I here there are lots of pretty girls in the town. You're.. what now? Twenty? You should take a wife, let her tend to you while you work,"

"You know I am not interested in any of that yet. I pride myself in my work," Benjamin spoke.

"Pride yourself in your work in Dundalk then! How 'bout this; You come with me, if it works then we're well set for a few months. If it doesn't, I will book you a passage to anywhere you want,"


"The Americas, Peru, London - I don't care. Anywhere if it doesn't work out,"

Benjamin sighed, he shoved his hands in his pockets and stared down at the floor. The idea of sailing away to somewhere far and busy was exciting. And, it wasn't like anything was keep him in Blackpool. With a heavy sigh, he met his friend's eyes again, "Add a new sets of razors to that you we have a deal, Straus," Montgomery smirked and extended his hand to him before Benjamin gripped it firmly and they shook on their new agreement.

"You are going to love Ireland, lad," he said, "so many wonderful possibilities for you there," as he spoke the bell rang above the front door. In walked an older gentleman, hunched over in pain as he held his jaw, a white cloth tied around his head. "You the barber?" He hissed, looking at Benjamin.

"Indeed I am, sir,"

"Eh, good," he muttered, "I need me tooth pulled. Horrible cavity, is is,"

"I do not extract teeth. Simons, over on the other side of town does,"

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