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Chapter 1 - Kind of Prologue

A/N I will put a warning at the start of each chapter just to let you know whats in it. Im a blunt and occasionally sassy bitch who loves everybody. Please comment and vote. Love you heaps mwah xx

Warning: violence, drugs, swearing, crazy ass shit. Don't like it don't read it.

Louis POV

I need a hit, now. I can't fucking focus god damn it! Louis thinks aloud as he tries to work this ou. He cant go to slick ( his dealer) for another week but he's already out. Fuck! What am I doing? Yo man you ok? An unfamiliar voice catches his attention. Uhg yeah, fine. Who are you? I'm Zayn the unfamiliar voice replies. Hmph, well Zayn, whats a guy like you, doing out here? Zayn raises an eyebrow, whats that supposed to mean? He asks curiously. It means you look like you should be strutting the streets with a pretty lady on your arm, not strolling the alleys before the worms wake up. Uh I see, Zayn replies. You see, uhh.... Louis. You see Louis, Zayn continues, First impressions can be ... misleading. I thought you were injured, you seem to think im some sort of jock. Both of us seem to be wrong. So Zayn, you're telling me that you are what? A member of a gang, Zayn chips in. And you Louis are an addict without a stash. Am I wrong? Unfortunately not Louis spits. Easy dude, Zayn chuckles, here, Zayn tosses Louis a small packet, full of white powder. Louis cocks his head, im not sure i trust you yet Zayn, i mean no offence its just, i only just met you. Fair enough man, Zayn replies, but let me assure you that, he gestures to the packet, is just what you are looking for. Nothing more. Nothing less. Now if you don't mind my feet hurt like a bitch so can I sit? Uh sure i don't own the ground, Louis replies from where he is now sitting. He pats the ground next to him and Zayn sits down too. You know Zayn I should be wary of you, i should be on edge and watching your every move. But I'm not. You just pop up out of no where and now we are talking like friends. Life just doesn't seem to be that simple.

Zayns POV

Yeah i get yah man, but you see, my homies be like, you to much of a pretty boy to be with us no more Malik, we got your back bro but don't chu come back here aye. We don't want no trouble. Wow, Louis mumbles, well feel free to stay here as long as you like. You haven't given me reason to dislike you, so you can stay. Really? I mean this is your spot Louis, i don't want to be like intruding or nothing. Louis chuckles, Zayn bro, you're the closest thing I have to a friend and I've only known you for like half an hour, honestly dude, its cool. Thanks Louis. If its all the same to you, I already see you as a friend. You know Zayn, it is all the same to me. Ok man well I'm drained so I'ma crash. Oh ok here, Louis gets up and leads Zayn through another alley to a building, here he opens the door. Uhh, is, is this where you stay? Yeah Louis replies, its not much but its enough, he leads Zayn inside to a sofa and mattress. I have a spear blanket and pillow, but thats about it Louis says while placing them on the couch. I, uh, I don't, Thanks Louis. I would have just crawled under table or something, but this is far better. Nobody should have to do that Zayn, i mean up until two weeks ago i was, but neither of us have to now. Oh and Zayn, stop thanking me. Ok Louis, well.... Night Louis. Night Zayn.

Ok that was probably shit. Sorry guys for the slow start. I promise as I get into this story, it'll get better. Oh and once I work out how to use wattpad on my iPod tehe im not to good at this stuff.

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