Walking Backward

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Louis POV
After my little "breakdown" after mine and Harry's fight I've felt so fucking low. I'm angry at everything. I. Need. A. Hit. Now. Yeah that's what I need. I snuck away from Harry this morning and went to see Eleanor. But it's not enough. I know I have some stashed around here somewhere. Bingo! Hah! Thank you forward thinking Louis! I could do a few lines with this easy. I found myself back in the alley for the second time in 24 hours. Shrouded in shadows I take the opportunity to set free my demons. Reality begins to melt away, no stress, no worry. I feel so good! It's been so long! I almost forgot how great it feels to be high. Almost. Staggering out of the alley, I regain my footing and walk to Nialls. It's the weekend. Zayn should still be there. Harry is going to hate me. Fuck that little shit! He'll be with Alana now anyways. I walk into Nialls house to see Niall sprawled on the couch and Zayn sitting on the lounger. He Lou, they say in unison, not looking away from the tv. Hey guys, what you watching? Zayn looks at me with angry eyes Louis Fucking Tomlinson are you high?! How could he tell? He hadn't even looked at me. You are! Aren't you! He yells as he walks over to me. Why bro? He asks all anger draining to reveal concern. You were doing so good my man, why now? He asks leading me to the now vacant couch. Hmmm where did the leprechaun go? Earth to Louis, Zayns voice chimes in. Snap, snap, snap, Zayn clicks his fingers at me. Hmmm? What? Dude did you hear anything I just said? He asks looking really.... Is that.... Oh I don't even know. I'm really.... Woooo...... LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON SIT YOUR GODDAMN ASS DOWN NOW!!!!! Zayn literally screams at me. Fuck how'd I get on the fridge? Shit man I'm sorry, I fucking trashed, I say as I return to the couch. How'd you know my middle name? You told me when we met in the alley, while you were high Zayn replies shaking his head. Here drink this, He passed me a glass of water. Chill out until you come down. We'll talk about this later. Oh okay, I turn and face the tv, the world disappears, I don't even hear the words the people are saying but I still laugh and watch. This show is great. I don't even know what it is. Or what's happening.

Zayns POV
That fucking idiot! Sitting there all doped up and shit. I've locked all the doors, latched all the windows. At least he won't be on the street. Niall! Niall where are yah?! I hear sobbing down the hall so I head straight to his room be sure enough there he is. Hey, Niall, it's okay man. He'll be fine, you'll be fine. Do you want me to call Josh? N-no I-m ok-kay, he says between sobs. Why are you so upset? L-Louis. He says but then starts to really cry. I held him for I don't know how long, until Louis appeared at the door. I'm so, so sorry. He whispers before he turns and heads to the door. Louis wait, I chase after him, grabbing his arm. Why? He screams, I can see its my fault! I shouldn't have come here, I'm sorry Zayn. Tell Niall I'm really sorry. He pulls his arm from my grip and leaves, running down the street. I call Josh and he shows up 5 minutes later. Hey Zayn, he in his room? Josh asks not waiting for an answer. Yeah. I reply. Thanks man he says and the disappears down the hall. I take this as my queue to leave. I walk toward the old alley, but when I get there Louis nowhere to be seen. I go to the old building we used to live in, and sure enough there he is. Lying passed out on the floor.

Niall POV
I feel Josh snake his arms around me, I can hear him whispering that everything's going to be okay. But all I can see, is Greg. He was an addict. Cocaine was his favourite but he used butane too. My big brother. Now Louis. .... Niall baby what's wrong? L-Louis. Baby you're going to need to give me abit more to work with okay Josh says as he runs circles into my back. G-Greg, is all I'm able to say before tears and sobs engulf me again. Oh no, I hear Josh whisper as he pulls me into him. Shhh Niall, it'll be okay. It'll be okay. I suddenly feel so very tired, okay I mumble as i fall into a restless sleep in Joshes arms.

Louis POV
I ran straight to the old building me and Zayn used to live in. Ooh look vodka, good old 42 below. I take a swig and pace around the old building and I'm suddenly engulfed in all the memories me and Zayn shared here. Swig after swig, I pace and watch the keliadescope of memories as the begin to drown me, tears stream down my face. I hear the smashing of glass, it sounds so far away. Everything sounds so far away. So....... Far....... Away.......................... Louis

Cliffhanger baby haha! So like I can't spell okay lol don't judge me hahaha
Hope you liked this abit better, get ready for some serious drama guys. Love ya'll xxx

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