15. I will never leave her until I Die

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Abhishek's POV

As the soft light of dawn filtered through the hospital window, casting a gentle glow over the sterile room, I stirred from my fitful sleep. I blinked away the remnants of exhaustion, my eyes focusing on the figure lying in the hospital bed beside me.


For the past two days, I had been frantically searching for her everywhere, and now, I had scarcely left her side. My unwavering presence was a silent testament to the depth of my love and devotion. I had slept in the uncomfortable chair beside her bed, my hand clasped tightly around hers as if holding onto her lifeline.

The strain of the past few days was evident in the weary lines etched into my face, the dark circles under my eyes a stark reminder of the sleepless nights spent in vigil. Since the moment I learned of Bella's critical condition, I had been consumed by a single-minded determination to be there for her, to offer her whatever solace and support I could in her time of need.

But in my fervent dedication to Bella's care, I had neglected my own well-being. I glanced down at my rumpled clothes, the same ones I had been wearing for the past two days, now stained with the evidence of my exhaustion and neglect. There had been no time for food or rest, my entire being consumed by the singular focus of Bella's recovery.

Just then, the door to the hospital room creaked open, and Kartik stepped inside, a concerned look etched into his features. In his hands, he carried a tray laden with breakfast foods, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air.

"Abhi, you need to eat," Kartik insisted, his voice filled with gentle concern as he approached me. "You can't keep going like this."

I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire to stay by Bella's side and the practical necessity of tending to my own needs. But Kartik's unwavering gaze softened something within me, a flicker of gratitude and acceptance.

Reluctantly, I released Bella's hand and rose from the chair, my muscles protesting the sudden movement after hours of immobility. I accepted the tray from Kartik with a murmured thanks, my appetite awakening at the sight of the warm, comforting food.

As I ate, I felt a sense of renewal wash over me, the nourishment invigorating my weary body and soul. I savored each bite, allowing myself a moment of respite from the relentless worry and fear that had consumed me for so long.

After completing my meal, Kartik gently encouraged me to head home and freshen up, assuring me that he would keep a close eye on Bella in my absence. Although hesitant to leave her side, I understood the necessity of self-care if I was to provide the support Bella needed during her recovery.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Bella's Puphaji's number.

"Hello, Abhi beta -"

"Puphaji, we've located her. She's in the hospital, unconscious. Don't worry, I'll send you the details."

"Okay beta, please send it quickly. We'll be leaving now." With those words, Puphaji ended the call.

Despite the overwhelming exhaustion that threatened to engulf me, a flicker of hope burned bright within my chest. Bella was alive. She was fighting, just as I knew she would.

With renewed determination, I made my way home, the weight of exhaustion momentarily lifted by the knowledge that Bella was in capable hands.

As I stepped through the door of my apartment, my thoughts turned once again to Bella. I knew that the road to recovery would be long and arduous, but I was determined to be there for her every step of the way. With a silent prayer on my lips, I prepared myself for the challenges that lay ahead, my heart filled with unwavering faith in Bella's strength and resilience.

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