29. A Vigil of Tenderness

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Abhishek's POV

I brought her to my farmhouse and carried her to my room. Then, I instructed my driver, Mohan Kaka, to call our family doctor, Dr. Avinash Sachdev, to examine her.

Placing her gently on the bed, I covered her with a blanket.

As I sat beside her on the bed in my farmhouse bedroom, waves of emotions crashed over me. The sight of her lying there, pale and fragile, filled me with an overwhelming sense of guilt.

"Why hadn't I been more attentive? Why wasn't I there when she needed me most?" I whispered to myself, my voice trembling.

Fear gripped my heart tightly as I watched her, waiting anxiously for the doctor to arrive. Every second dragged on, each one punctuated by the deafening silence in the room.

"I can't lose you, not now, not ever," I murmured, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You mean too much to me."

Memories flooded my mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of our time together. Her laughter, her warmth, the moments we shared—all seemed so fragile now, hanging in the balance.

Holding her hand gently in both of mine, I leaned in close as if to shield her from whatever had brought her here. I rested my head on her hand, feeling the faint pulse beneath my fingers, a small comfort in the midst of the turmoil.

"Please be okay," I pleaded softly, hoping she could somehow hear me. "I can't imagine my life without you."

"I can't lose you." Each word carried the weight of my fear and longing.

As I sat there, waiting for any sign of improvement, I realized how deeply I cared for her. The uncertainty of her condition gnawed at me, filling me with a profound sense of helplessness. I prayed silently, desperately hoping that the doctor would bring good news, that she would wake up, and that we could face whatever lay ahead together.

My trance broke with the arrival of doctor along with Mohan Kaka. He checked her thoroughly and prescribed some medicines and cream.

Mohan Kaka took the prescription, and I thanked the doctor for coming at 2 am midnight in urgency.

As I sat there, my eyes fixed on her still form, I felt the depth of my emotions for her like never before. The uncertainty of her condition gnawed at me, leaving me feeling utterly helpless. I clasped her hand tighter, as if my touch could somehow protect her from whatever had befallen her.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly until the doctor finally arrived, accompanied by Mohan Kaka. I watched anxiously as he examined her, his movements methodical yet urgent. With each passing second, my hope hung on his assessment, praying silently for good news.

Relief washed over me as the doctor finished his examination and prescribed medications and cream. Mohan Kaka took the prescription from him, and I turned to the doctor with gratitude in my eyes. 

"Thank you for coming at this hour, doctor," I said sincerely, my voice trembling slightly with emotion.

After a while, Mohan Kaka returned with the prescribed medicines and quietly left. With a gentle sigh, I removed the blanket covering her and began applying the cream as instructed by the doctor. Carefully, I smoothed it onto her wrists, arms, neck, forehead, and gently across her lips, hoping to soothe and comfort her in any way I could.

As I reached to gently adjust her hair, cradling her head in my arms, I spoke softly, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. Just hang in there."

She trembled in pain, a stark reminder of her vulnerability.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm trying to help."

Realizing something was wrong, I carefully laid her back onto the bed and stood up to lock the door, ensuring her privacy and safety. Returning to her side, I gently held her again, hesitant to invade her personal space without consent. 

"I'm sorry for touching you without permission," I whispered softly as I carefully unhooked her dress, trying to assess any injuries or discomfort she might have.

She unconsciously hugged me back, and as I moved a mirror to see her back, I noticed some scratches and realized her dress was slightly torn, likely from something sharp. The sting from the medicine seemed to exacerbate her discomfort, causing her to inadvertently scratch my back, leaving marks.

"Shhh, it's okay," I soothed, my hand gently rubbing her back. "You're safe now."

Once I finished tending to her, I carefully positioned her on her front in bed and sat beside her throughout the night, ready to assist her with anything she might need.

Throughout the night, I remained vigilant by her side, determined to provide comfort and support. I adjusted her position on the bed to ensure she was as comfortable as possible, gently placing pillows to support her. With every movement, I treaded carefully, mindful not to disturb her fragile state.

"Just rest," I whispered, holding her hand again. "I'm right here."

I monitored her closely, noting any signs of discomfort or distress. Whenever she stirred, I leaned in to offer reassurance, speaking softly to let her know I was there. I adjusted the blanket to keep her warm, occasionally dampening a cloth with cool water to soothe her forehead when she seemed restless.

The hours passed slowly; the room enveloped in a quiet solemnity broken only by the faint hum of the night. Despite the exhaustion creeping into my bones, I remained steadfast in my vigil, my concern for her overriding any personal need for rest.


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