34. Navigating Bonds

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Abhishek's POV

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, I stirred awake, momentarily disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. It slowly dawned on me that I had spent the night in Bella's room, holding her close.

Bella, already up and getting ready, greeted me with a warm smile as I too freshened up. Sitting down beside me, she reached for an apple from the fruit basket conveniently placed near her bed. Knowing well that I preferred fruits over sweets, she opted for the apple, its rich red hue and enticing size catching my eye.

With a curious blend of amusement and trepidation, I watched as Bella took a large bite of the apple. Her initial expression hinted at unexpected tartness, but her smile indicated she wasn't bothered by it. I couldn't help but smile in response to her playful demeanor. Despite our playful banter, my mind couldn't help but drift to more serious matters.

She's so carefree, unaware of the dangers that lurk around us. I thought, a protective instinct surging within me. I need to ensure her safety, especially now with everything that's been happening.

After a moment, she turned to me, holding the apple towards my mouth with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Take a bite, Abhi! It's so sweet and delicious!"

Reluctantly, I hesitated at first, not entirely convinced by her endorsement. Yet, her infectious enthusiasm and the sight of her already enjoying the fruit tempted me. Yielding to her encouraging gaze, I took a generous bite of the apple.

Instantly, my taste buds were assaulted by its sharp acidity, causing me to reflexively pucker and grimace. "Ah! You tricked me! This apple is so darn sour!"

Bella burst into laughter at my reaction, clearly amused by the turn of events. She playfully nudged my shoulder, teasing, "I guess it wasn't as sweet as I thought!"

Chuckling along with her, I handed back the partially eaten apple, shaking my head in mock defeat. Despite the unexpected sourness, the shared moment over breakfast fruit became a lighthearted start to our day, reminding me of the simple joys found in her company.


Realizing it was already 6 AM, I kissed Bella's forehead gently before bidding her goodbye. I made my way home swiftly, reaching within half an hour. Through the window of my room, I was met with an unexpected sight—my cousin brother, Adrakansh Singhania, sprawled comfortably on my bed, seemingly oblivious to my disapproval of sharing it.

He never changes. I sighed internally, a fond exasperation mixing with affection for Kansh. Always finding a way to push my buttons, even after all these years.

Adrakansh, the son of my father's younger brother Prakash Singhania, was a source of constant banter between us, often teased affectionately with the nickname "Kansh."

Shortly after, there was a knock on the door, prompting me to change into more comfortable nightwear before answering. I found my mother and aunt standing there, holding a suit each for the upcoming Tilak ceremony.

"It's good to see you awake, beta. You're looking handsome," my aunt remarked warmly, her hands gently caressing my cheek with a smile.

"When did you get back last night?" my mother inquired, her gaze scrutinizing.

"I returned around midnight, Mom. But what's he doing in my room? You know I don't like sharing my bed," I complained, gesturing towards Kansh.

"Who would've thought that The Abhishek Singhania is so childish," Kansh chimed in with a smirk, finally waking up and teasing me as he stretched.

Younger than me by two years, Kansh and I shared a unique bond, amplified by the coincidence of our birthdays falling on the same day, the 29th of April. Our banter and playful exchanges were a constant source of amusement within the family, bridging any gaps created by our age difference.


Chuckling at Kansh's teasing remark, I rolled my eyes playfully. "Childish or not, get out of my bed, Kansh. You know the rules," I retorted, trying to maintain a stern tone despite the grin tugging at my lips.

Kansh yawned theatrically, stretching his arms above his head. "Alright, alright. I'm up. But next time, leave the window unlocked if you expect me to find my way in," he joked, giving me a playful nudge as he walked past.

As he left, I turned back to my mother and aunt, who were still standing by the door, their expressions a mix of amusement and affection. "Thank you for the suits," I said sincerely, taking the garments from them.

"Make sure you're ready on time. The Tilak Ceremony is an important occasion, and it starts at 11 AM, beta," my aunt reminded me with a gentle smile.

I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for her reminder. "Don't worry, Chachi. I'll be ready," I assured her, already planning the morning ahead in my mind.

With that, my aunt and mom left my room, leaving me to get myself organized for the day. Kansh was already up and about, teasingly inspecting his appearance in the mirror.

As I got dressed for the ceremony, thoughts of Bella lingered in my mind. The morning encounter over breakfast had left a smile on my face, and I couldn't help but look forward to seeing her again at the Tilak Ceremony. She had a way of brightening even the simplest moments, and I found myself eagerly anticipating her presence.

Today's ceremony isn't just about tradition. I reflected, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders. It's about welcoming Bella into our family officially. I'll protect her, no matter what.

Descending into the living room where the Tilak ceremony would unfold, the atmosphere was imbued with a sense of anticipation and familial warmth. The room had been transformed overnight, adorned with vibrant marigold garlands and intricately woven tapestries that draped elegantly over the furniture. Soft incense wafted through the air, adding a subtle fragrance that mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed chai and the faint hint of sandalwood.

My eyes scanned the room, taking in the meticulous preparations my aunt and mother had overseen. A large, intricately designed rangoli adorned the floor, its vibrant colors depicting auspicious symbols meant to usher in good fortune and blessings. In one corner, a small shrine had been set up, adorned with offerings of flowers and incense, symbolizing reverence and devotion.


As I approached the ceremonial area, I felt a surge of pride and responsibility. The Tilak ceremony was not merely a formality; it signified the formal acceptance of Bella into our family, a gesture of respect and commitment that carried deep cultural significance. My thoughts turned to Bella, imagining her arrival and the joy that would undoubtedly light up her face amidst the solemnity of the occasion.

Amidst the bustling of relatives preparing for the ceremony, I caught Kansh's mischievous grin as he adjusted his attire with exaggerated care. His playful demeanor added a touch of levity to the solemnity of the moment, reminding me of the bond we shared despite our occasional banter.

As I stood by, observing the final preparations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for my family's support and unity. Their unwavering presence and meticulous attention to detail reflected their commitment to ensuring every aspect of the ceremony was perfect, a testament to their love for both Bella and me.

With a deep breath, I straightened my attire, ensuring everything was in place. Thoughts of Bella lingered in my mind, her infectious laughter echoing in my thoughts. I couldn't wait to see her again, to share in this moment that marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives together.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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