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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕕
-ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕋𝕨𝕠-

Author's POV

This time Kibō didn't fall for that long. Not even one second and she already sat on the floor. Quickly she looked around.

It was nighttime.
Not knowing what timeline this was Kibō explored further. She was in the middle of a forest looking around for any signs of life that isn't a wild animal or a random bug.

Nobody was in sight.

'Am I walking in circles
or what?'

Kibō exhaled heavily.
That's when she heard talking from a distance.

Silently she ran to the noice makers. She peeked her head from the corner looking for the cause of sound.

 She peeked her head from the corner looking for the cause of sound

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' Daz Craziii...
The only thing I need
for my movie night now
is popcorn..'

Kibō just stood there
watching the one act
that will cause future drama.

Now that she turned
her head on... Kibō coulculated how much time passes when she goes through the portal.

One second equals to
one light-year.

One light-year equals to
one average live span of a human.

'It's good to know that in future events.'

And with that sentence Kibō was right. But now she just watched the transformation take place.

The girl just stood there.
Not even hiding herself from the now two demons. And because sight is a thing Kibō was soon enough spotted by Muzan.

" Kibō..? "

" You know her? "

Kokushibo now also looked towards Kibō's direction.

In a blink of an eye Muzan stood in front of Kibō. Soon after Kokushibo also stood in front of her.

" Uh... Surprise?.. "

(Author: 🤦‍♀️.)

" How are you still alive.. AND a child? "

Both of them stared at her confused.

" ☀︎︎☾︎Magic☽︎☀︎︎ "

" • • • "

" • • • "

She internally hoped that the next portal would open up to her savior. And it did just that.

This Time it seemed like not even a milisecond.

' What is it this time??? '

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' What is it this time??? '

Kibō thought as she looked around. Soon enough she spotted a grey haired and a deep dark red haired men both having flame-like birthmarks, one on neck and forehead, the other man only on the forehead.
The men carried a katana.

Then Kibō, being the demon slayer kid she is, realized what scene this was. Before Yoriichi dies she wanted to say her goodbyes to him. And that's what she did.

" It was nice knowing you Yoriichi... Goodbye. "

Kibō muttered out. Sadly.. having the spider sense Kokushibo has, he heard this and immediately looked towards the cause of the sentence. Yoriichi who was blind but not deaf also heard and looked towards her.

" ... Sorry, is this a bad timing or something? "

(Author : Of course it is. You dumbass 🤦‍♀️)

" Can you tell me how you do this? "

Kokushibo asked meaning her appearance and disappearance.

" I don't know, man..
It just happens. "

" Wait... Kibō is this you speaking? Am I already dead? "

Yoriichi asked not exactly knowing what's going on.

" No, I don't think so. It will
take too long to explain. "

Kibō muttered since she was quite tired from all the portals.

" • • • "

" Looks like my time here is over. Goodbye to all my fellas. "

She said as she saw the next portal form beneath her.

'Where will this one take her?'

She and reader probably wonder... Well I don't know. I don't plan these chapters.


-If I was in Demon Slayer-Where stories live. Discover now