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Vikramaditya and Agnira stepped off the plane at the Chennai airport, the familiar sights and sounds of their home state welcoming them back. As they made their way through the bustling terminal, Agnira's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of reuniting with her parents after a long time away.

Spotting her parents waiting eagerly near the arrival gate, Agnira quickened her pace, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Ma, Pa!" she called out, her voice filled with joy and relief.

Vikramaditya followed closely behind, observing the heartfelt reunion about to take place.

Agnira's mother, Mrs Nandini, rushed forward, her eyes brimming with joy as she enveloped Agnira in a tight hug. "Oh, my dear child, you're finally home! We've missed you so much," she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion.

This was the first time she went long months without seeing her daughter. When Agnira worked at the Bangalore branch office, she would be home every two weeks and in Mumbai, her hectic schedules had little to no room for Facetime calls.

Agnira's father, Mr. Arvind, greeted Vikramaditya with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling in a sign of welcome. "Vannakkam, Mr Vikramaditya," he said in a traditional South Indian greeting, showing his appreciation for his daughter's safe return.

He had known him since Agnira joined the company and as a protective father, he had done his fair share of research on her boss and the company.

Aravind has met Vikramaditya a few times, mostly at company functions and at times of his daughter's departure to places. He would be there to send her off to any destination and would trust his daughter's safety in Vikramaditya's hands.

"Vannakkam Mr. Arvind," Vikramaditya reciprocated the greeting with a respectful nod and a smile, acknowledging the warm hospitality extended to him.

(Vannakkam - greetings or Namaskaram)

He beamed at the family, warmth spreading across his face as Agnira's family together imagining his own, and saw her father extend a kind invitation. "Why don't you join us at home, Mr. Vikramaditya? " he proposed, eyes twinkling with hospitality.

Vikramaditya shook his head gently, his expression grateful but resolute. "Next time, sir. I've got a flight to catch to Bangalore," he explained, his tone apologetic yet determined.

Agnira's parents nodded understandingly, their attention briefly diverted by the distant sound of the flight announcement.

"It's time for me to move," Vikramaditya declared softly, his gaze lingering momentarily on his secretary before bidding farewell and departing from the gathering.

His duty, ensuring Agnira's safe reunion with her family, had been accomplished, and now it was time to embark on his journey back to his hometown. With a sense of fulfillment, he made his way towards the announced gate, leaving behind the echoes of gratitude and greetings from Agnira's family.

"That boy had become more handsome than I last saw him," Agnira heard her mom comment, her eyes monteriely widened and whisper yelled at her frank talk. She made sure her father was out of the zone to hear anything her mother just blurted.

"Nandini you're married, keep that in my mind," Agnira saw her mom narrow her brows at her and shook her head heaving a sign. "It's not wrong to appreciate nature's Beauty dear,"

"Really?" She saw her mom nod with a proud smile, interpreting her action to be normal and harmless, which is considered innocent from her heart but Agnira had to open her mouth to strike the proud nerve.

"How about we let Dad do the same? Just appreciating nature?" Agnira flashed her eyebrows while a smug smile played on her lips. It's not every day she gets to tease her mom and now looking at the woman she knew she had hit the nerve.

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