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I rubbed my temple to soothe the headache, slowly raising to the back of my skull. I blinked my eyes and tried to control the anger by counting to ten, but when the number had hardly passed four, my hands had involuntarily gone to hold the collar cuff of my brother's.

"Agnira," I could hear his voice but nothing went into my brain rather than to slap the living shit of the useless human before.

"How dare you?" My fist tightened on the cloth and it didn't take a second I pulled him close to me. My eyes exhibit how much anger I'm holding with the passing seconds.

"Who permitted you to take my money? Isn't the money I sent you enough?" I yelled and he looked over at the locked door to make sure our parents didn't hear us or worse for him they might interfere with our reason to fight.

"Please be quiet, Mom might hear us," he implored and I didn't show an ounce of interest to protect him. If he is daring enough to steal my money, I'm sure he could handle our parent's wrath when they come to know of his doings.

My phone screen blinked, I couldn't control the surging range, while it displayed my bank balance was down by five thousand rupees. I can't believe the boy had spent this much money within a day and didn't bother to break a breath about it.

I wasn't aware he had taken money from my e-wallet and hadn't informed me until I found out.

"What did you spend on?" I questioned and shook him to get a response, still having my clutch on his collar. He better have a good reason or else I won't think twice to destroy his serenity. I wouldn't hold him for anything but inform everything to our parents.

They will make him regret his doings with severe punishments, the reason why the boy is on the edge of tearing up.

"I brought some skincare products." His timid voice didn't help me to calm my senses and all I wanted to do is to throw him out.

He can't be serious and spend such a huge amount on his skincare when he is lazy enough to wash his face and I have noticed him using the Rin bar to clean himself.

"Don't lie" The octave of my tone got him to shudder and he shook his head, implying he was telling the truth. "I swear, I brought those products," his pleading eyes didn't help me to calm down but for the sake of the bloodline I shared with the guy, I had to hold on to my temper.

"Show me the products you brought," I demanded and thought to take those for myself, honestly I've never bought skincare products at such an expensive rate, and my stinginess wouldn't allow me to but since my brother had already done the deed, why not take that to my advantage? Either way, it was my money he stole to buy those.

I waited for a few minutes until I saw the boy coming out of his room with a wrapped package. I furrowed looking at the small box when I expected his purchase to be a kit or something that could fit four to five products together, remembering the crazy amount he spent on a single order.

"Where are the other items?" I questioned, recalling him mentioning 'Products' but was met with silence and noticed him being hesitant about something. "I bought only this," he extended the package in my direction and I was fast to grab it.

The disappointment I faced when there was only a small box inside the package and it read 150ml tube. "The heck—" I stopped and my eyes widened at the brand he purchased.

Dior La mousse on/off foaming cleanser.

He can't be serious, my brother isn't this dumb to purchase this, any person with the right mind wouldn't buy a foaming cleanser for five thousand rupees and 150 ml. This must be a joke or a prank he is trying to pull.

"Don't fool me, where did you spend the money? I know this is fake." I tried to keep my voice in check but the guy isn't letting me to. He kept playing with my patience without answering my questions.

"Shreeram, I promise I won't scold you. Tell me the truth." I spoke again, this time a little bit calmer but strict. Anyone near us would tell, that I'm working a huge on my temper at the moment.

"I bought that, I can give you the bill," At his sentence, my patience wore off completely and I pushed him into the closed door, causing a thud sound. I don't care if our parents find us fighting and I can't digest the fact he spent such a huge amount on something useless.

The product is expensive and considering my penny-pinch attitude, I wouldn't in my dreams try to use it or even open the seal. "You're returning this and refunding my money,"

"This isn't refundable, Agnira. Why would you ask me to return it?" The innocence he carried and his pout showed he wasn't aware of the money he spent. With such an amount I could buy my groceries for a month.

"Shreeram," I sighed and dropped myself on the bed. The sight of the package is giving me a headache and more when I couldn't return that.

"Agnira I'm sorry if it upsets you for taking your money without permission. I won't do that again," An instant glare got the boy to move away as he tried to take a seat beside me. He isn't aware that my anger wasn't due to his stealing but to the thing he bought.

"Don't talk to me and don't you dare steal my money again," I warned him with a serious tone and saw him widen his eyes at me. I could see he had finally understood the seriousness behind my words.

"Don't talk? Agnira I said, I'm—" His words died at the door click followed by my mother entering my room. "What are you both doing?" She asked with confusion and I know she had noticed her son's distress.

"We were just—"

"Why are you here, Mom?" I interrupted him and turned to my mother. She seemed to inform something and walked near me. "I got a call from your boss, Agnira. He said he couldn't reach you through your phone." She said and I immediately went in to check my phone.

My phone was alright, neither did it get switched off nor was it roaming. The network seemed clear and I narrowed my brows in confusion. "To whom did he call?" I questioned since I don't remember sharing my parent's contact to him.

"He contacted through our landline," she informed and further said, he was just worried about my whereabouts since he couldn't reach me. "Did he say the reason why he wanted to contact me?" She paused for a moment and nodded her head.

"He informed, he had granted you another week off. So you don't have to move to Banglore next week." Her bright smile showed she was happy about his decision and went on further, about how she would look after me for another week.

Everything she said did get into my mind excluding the fact that he had informed everything to my mom, rather than telling me. He could've typed in an email or even a message would've done the deed. His excuse for reaching my phone is absurd and I found his behavior strange. 

He is a man responsible in his duties and wouldn't let me take another week off from work for no reason.

The unusual phone call I received three days ago must have something to do with this. I should've guessed something when he asked for his next week's schedule and then didn't bother to reply back till the very second.

"Did he ask for me to contact him?" I asked, wondering if there was something further he might inform me.

"No," Her simple answer got me confounded as I didn't expect the answer.

"Okay Mom," I nodded my head without querying and informed my Mom to take her son along. She did look for an explanation but dismissed thinking this was just another day she had witnessed a silly fight.

Once I was alone in my room, I clicked on the messages app and scrolled for any new messages received from my boss and there weren't any. I checked through my emails and came back with the same result.

"Why is he behaving strangely?"

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