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//AN hii i hope you like this i spent a while on it!! if you have any suggestions as you read or any ideas feel free to dm me<3


'Beep! Beep' i roll over to my side and hit the alarm button and moan a bit, after a second of thinking about how you wanted to sleep longer you reluctantly get up and get changed into a denim skirt and into a tight knit sweater, you were defiantly feeling lazy today "hey (y/n) its time for the seminar !" you hear Harry say behind you (you live together in a dorm) you pat him on the shoulder with a fun smile "you know i really cant wait!" you say to him sarcastically.

Later in the morning you got to your lesson and sat down to watch your teacher talk about the British revolution, you try to listen but you kept feeling someone tapping your back, you turn around and you see none other than fuckboy Tom making out with a girl, toms hand was what was hitting you as he kept reaching for the girls bum as he pulled her closer onto him , you turn back to the teacher and sigh "hey Harry can you tell your ass of a brother to stop hitting he when he touches that girls ass??" you whisper to harry with a annoyed wink and he just laughs. The end of the lesson comes closer and all you could hear was soft moans from Toms slut "would you mind not fucking in my ear? im trying to get good grades which you wouldn't understand?!" you say to him and get a smirk in response "well i would get an 'A' is sleeping with a girl? you want to test it out?" he said stopping kissing the girl and massaging your shoulder "fuck off Tom?" you say in response and slap his hand off your shoulder and walk over to a different seat, every time you turn around you see tom looking at you and his girl palming his dick.

At the end of the lesson you run out so you didn't have to watch him, when you get half way down campus you hear Harry calling your name " (y/n)!!! (Y/N!!!)" you turn and see him panting is exhaustion "Jesus you know we live together you didn't need to run?" you say smiling at him "um i sort of need a favour??" he asks and looks in your eyes and you nod in response wanting him to finish his question "so Tom is kinda.... failing math? i know , i know before you interrupt me you hate him but could you tutor him??" he says pulling a face like he really needed your help "fine i will help ok? but you owe me!!! and tell him to not try and fuck me, i swear if he even flirts or touches my leg you both are dead!!!" he nods and gulps "ok (y/n) i hear you!!"

You both walk away and you get into your next lessons, they went by so fast ,at the end of your last lesson Tom started walking over to you.. you kept thinking fuck no i don't wanna see that dick i just wanna go home and get in my sweats? "hi?" he said approaching you with a raspy voice "hi?" you said back almost trying to ignore him , "look (y/n) Harry told me you would tutor me and i wanted to say thank you?" he said smouldering, "im only doing it for him not you ok? don't flatter yourself?" he giggled and looked in your eyes "wanna start today ?" he asked and you sighed thinking about how tired you were, "ok but im not going to get dressed or anything im to lazy so don't judge me? and you can come to me and Harry's? i left all my books their!" he nods in reply and walks away.

When you got home you changed and dropped on your bed exhausted and changed into your grey sweats and and got on your phone and saw a new message from a non caller ide. 


Tom: um hi this is tom? Harry gave me your number?

You: ok hi? what do u need.

Tom: Im coming over for you to tutor me if you remember?

You: shit yeah um come over ill let you in?

Tom: Thanks baby girl <3


You sigh and remember he was the biggest fuckboy on campus! you get out your laptop and books and put them on your desk ready for when Tom got here. you turn around and see Harry getting his coat to leave "wait are you leaving? i need you so you can stop your brother from humping my leg?" he giggles at your comment and replied "i told him and he is sort of sacred of you so i wouldn't worry? and anyways i don't want to be late for my date so i don't care?" you slap his chest and help him out the dorm sighing thinking about how Tom was scared of you?

After 12 minutes of being alone you heard a knock on the door, and you walk slowly towards it and you open it and see tom kissing your neighbour "tom stop sharing saliva with my neighbour and come study ok?" you look at his disappointed face and you giggle because he was such a dick "liv he is a fuckboy I've  seen him with 2 other girls today you can do much better!" you say to live and shut the door and look at tom "so were do we start?".......

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