About Snow like Ashes

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Meira was left in the snow by her parents when an evil man name Angra was attacking. A man named William, called Sir, had saved her and raised her along with the young king, Mather.

When Spring attacked, only 25 Winterians survived. That was 16 years before and now only eight have survived.

Each kingdom, there are eight, has a conduit that has magic. Winter's broke in half. One half was with Angra and thr other was with Angra's advisor, Herod. Meira stole that half from Herod.

She escaped. Everyone thought she was dead, because a person named Finn also went with her and got back before her. When she got home, Mather hugged her and Sir was kind of friendlier since she got the locket half.

Spring followed her to their camp, that had all of the survivors. That camp is where they lived.

Mather is her best friend and he might even have feelings for her. But he is also the king of Winter. Sir tells him something before they run away to a Rhythm, a kingdom named Cordell. Mather also kisses Meira on the cheek before he leaves.

Meira and Sir go on a journey to Cordell. When they get there, Mather and Dendera, the person he rode with, were already there.

Everyone met the king, even Sir, who hates him. His name is Noam. That night, there would be a ball. And Meira would be escorted by Prince Theron. Apparently, Sir had told Mather to tell Noam that Theron would be marrying Meira.

She took classes. She read a book about magic, because she had strange dreams with Hannah, Mather's mother, and she wanted to know if it was magic. She also had a small ball of lapis lazuli that Mather had given to her. He pretends it is magic, because they don't have their magic anymore.

Theron is interested in literature. And Meira wanted to get to know him. He looks like a younger and friendlier version of his father. Meira is a soldier, though, and he is a prince. But they have more in common than you'd think.

Meira is mad at Sir for forcing her to marry Theron, but she is still doing it to help Winter.

In the mornings before her classes, she goes to the library to read a book called Magic of Primoria. It was hard to read and everything she could read, was stuff she already knew.

One day, she was longer than usual. She was late for her class, and talking to Theron. Then she heard the door to the library slam shut. It was Sir. He was there to talk to her. And he didn't want Theron there.

He was there to talk about the marriage. The wedding would be at the end of the month, which was in two weeks.

She ran away to talk to Noam, but he wasn't there. All the Winterians and Theron followed her. She locked the door.

She found a letter that was for Angra, saying that Noam was going to be allied with Winter and that he would send over Mather. She was mad at that. Finally, everyone got into the study, along with Noam.

He was angry too. Then he said everything that they should be doing. They left the study and were about to talk to him again, but instead, a soldier went in and told him that Spring was attacking.

Everyone went to fight, except Alysson, Sir's wife. Meira wasn't supposed to go fight but she did anyways. She wore alot of armor and a helmet to hidden identity from Sir. She also didn't use her favorite weapon, the chakram, because the people from Autumn made it and hardly anyone from Cordell was using weapons from Autumn.

He found her anyways and lifted her onto his horse. Spring was fighting with cannons and one almost hit them, knocking them off of the horse.

Meira broke her rib. But Sir was in much worse condition. He was bleeding. Alot. And he could hardly talk. Meira ran over to him. And then he died. She felt like ice was taking over her body. Maths came and true to take her away from Sir. She wouldn't listen. Then another cannon shot, and they got knocked back. She saw Herdon come. He was back for revenge.

She had a strange dream about Hannah telling her about the Decay, an evil magic.

Everyone used to have their own power. And ever time they used it, the Decay would take up the magic, making it stronger and also making people use more magic. 8 people gathered by the cavern that held the magic and collected it in a conduit. They stopped the Decay. Well, almost. The man that was king of Spring saw wonder and power in the Decay and hugged it, taking it into his body.

Herndon took Meira to Angra. Angra took her to the other Winterian slaves after Me I found out why the Winterian conduit broke. Hannah had made a deal with Angra that he could kill her and be her conduit if he leaves Winter alone. What Hannah didn't know was that she was pregnant. When the conduit broke, the magic went to the baby.

Meira worked as a slave for weeks, without water and made friends with three people. Nessa was one of them and she was Meira's age. She saw something in Meira and Meira saw hope in her eyes.

After weeks went by, Meira finally tried to escape. She made a tiny knife out of the buckle on her belt. For three days on cutting through the wood holding up a ramp used for working. There was always Spring soldiers above the Winterians so when she finally broke through, all of thsoe soldiers fell to their death.

It shows the Winterian that they could still fight. One soldier figured out that she had done it. He was going to hurt her but a little boy, that handed out water, stood up for her. He got whipped and Meira felt the ice fill her again. And she healed him.

She had another dream. It was where it usually was. She walked towards the corner where a bassinet was. She saw a little baby girl wearing a pink bonnet. She was surprised because she thought it would be Mather, but Mather was in Sir's and Alysson's arms. It said Meira.

"We will raise our son as yours," Alysson had said to Hannah. Mather wasn't the king, Meira was the queen.

Eventually, she was brought to Angra. Angra games her to Herod. He had her original chakram on his desk. She had lost it when she retireved the locket half.

She got put in a cage and then Theron came into the room. He was covered in cuts. They tied him to the wall. Herod left and Meira told him that she wad the queen. He didn't say anything.

Meira got out of the cage when Herod came and she killed him. Theron got out of the ropes. Meira went to the Winterians and Theron went to the battle that was happening in Spring. Meira helped them escape and they went out to the battle too. She used magic to heal them and make them stronger.

They fought. Spring against Autumn, Winter and Cordell.

Meira fought Angra. And he almost killed her, but Sir came and saved her. Yes. He came and saved her. He hadn't actually died. When Meira had felt ice fill her body, she had healed him. When he woke up, he found Mather and told him the real story. Sir was Mather's father. And Mather had lived his whole life not knowing the truth.

Sir got Angela's conduit away from him. Mather broke it before Meira could stop him. Break in it let the Decay lose. Then, Angra wasn't there. Everyone stood there in awe.

Finally, the battle was done and Meira helped the rest of the Winterian slaves out of the camps. They still had to fight some soldiers that were guarding the camps, but it was easy.

Everyone went to Winter. The Winterians didn't think it was cold. They liked the cold. But King Noam and Prince Theron were cold. He asked if there was a cloak store somewhere.

Meira had the responsibility of being the queen of Winter. Mather had lost the responsibility of being king, but he doesn't really know who he is since his life was a lie.

That's the end of the Snow like Ashes description. I led out alot but you get the point. This fanfiction will be the second book.

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