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Hazel could only hope that her heartbroken mother wouldn't "accidentally", forget to pick her up from school again. Ever since Hazel's dad divorced her mother three months ago, Hazel has been taking on the grief.

Priscilla has been making small jabs at her daughter since. Constantly trying to remind Hazel, that it's her fault. When the poor girl, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Hazel finally walked out of the double doors of her high school, and headed towards the curb to wait for her birth giver. Not too far from her, a boy named Jacob is playing football with some classmates.

Suddenly, Hazel feels something pierce her left eye. "OW!" Hazel's hands immediately fly to her eye from the pain. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Jacob curses himself, and rushed over to the girl. "Shit! I am so so so sorry, are you okay?!" He requested.

As much pain the girl was in, she understood it was an accident. "Yeah, I'm fine." With her hand that isn't holding her eye, she bent down and picked up his football to hand it to him.

"Thanks." Jacob fretted. He feels so bad about her injury. He was the one who threw the football, and it's his. Jacob had to walk fast, to catch up with Hazel who had walked off. "Hey, why don't I walk you to the nurses office?"

Hazel looked at him a little annoyed. "I can walk myself." Jacob pleaded. "but you need me." Hazel slowed her pace to continue talking, as they entered back into the school. "Excuse me?!"

Jacob sighed holding a hand up, to show he means no harm. "No, not like that! It's just, I just want to make sure you're okay." Hazel's features softened at Jacob's worried voice.

All she can do is nod, accepting his aid as they walk into the foul rubbing alcohol smelling office.

Nurse June stands at her desk, writing something down on a sticky note. She stops and looks up at the teens, upon seeing Hazel covering her eye.

"Let me guess, you
the nurse started pointing at Jacob, hit her with that football?" Jacob and Hazel share confused looks. "How'd you know?" Jacob asked.

The nurse walked around her desk to gently remove Hazel's hand, to inspect her eye. "It happens more often than you think. One of you Jocks, is always injuring a pretty girl with some kind of sports ball."

Hazel smiled at the compliment. If she was in less pain, she would even say thank you. Nurse June's eyes widened. "DAMN- I mean"- Hazel's smile dropped.

"Is it really that bad?!" She turned towards Jacob, who almost let his football slip through his fingers upon seeing the consequence of his action. "Oh uh, he scratched his head full of dark hair. "No?"

"Why did you say no like a question?!" Hazel rushed out. Jacob closed his eyes for a moment in anguish. "Okay, it's bad but not that bad." Hazel sighed and started to run her hands through her locs.

Nurse June quickly sat her down on the bench against the wall and assured her that, her black eye would heal in no time.

Until then, nurse June applied some ointment around her swelling eye, and gave her an eye patch, saying how cool she would look.

Hazel thanked her, and walked back outside with Jacob following like a lost puppy. Hazel's mother still hasn't arrived. "And she's still not here, great." Hazel huffed, allowing her hands to hit the sides of her thighs.

School ended almost thirty minutes ago. Hazel knows she must still be at the bar. Probably getting wasted. "Guess I'm walking home. Again."

Hazel glanced at Jacob. "Thanks for your apology, and support I guess. Jacob barely heard her, as he accidentally cut her off. "Wait Here!"

Hazel doesn't know why, but she listened and waited for him. A minute later, he came back with a goofy smile, a dark red bicycle, and a matching helmet. "I'll walk you home. I walk home too."

Hazel thought it over, and agreed considering he might scare off the creeps who stare at her when she usually walks. Her mother comes to pick her up sometimes, but not often enough.

"Whatever." Hazel replied nonchalantly. 2 minutes into the walk, Jacob decided to break the ice from his bike as he pedaled beside her; his dark hair hidden underneath his helmet. "What's your name?"

"My name is Jacob." The 16 year old girl just rolled her lips and nodded; not being used to anyone her age wanting to hold a conversation with her. Jacob smiled at her. "Can I call you Haze?"

"As long as I get to call you Jake, and you stop smiling at me so much. It's freaking me out." She quickly retorts. Jacob made one final shy smile on his lips, before speaking. "You got it."

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