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Present Day...

Kaitlyn had to elbow Hazel, to interrupt her passionate stare towards Jacob. When she realized, she quickly went to stand on the other side of Kaitlin.

On some random night last month when the kids were asleep, the group snuck two bottles of vodka from Chris Hackett's office. The man had a whole bunch in this secret room. Still to this day, he hasn't noticed.

A wasted Jacob, suggested that they wear eighties outfits on the last day of camp. Everyone else was tipsy, so they agreed.

The odds of anyone finding anything close to the eighties in their wardrobe was slim, but apparently not impossible. Hazel started to regret that drunken decision.

Jacob always looks good.
And he knows it. But his eighties outfit, is pure torture for the dark honey skinned girl. He must've cropped his number 13 jersey that Hazel bought him, for Christmas last year.

The fitted shirt showed off his six pack, and his biceps. His light gray shorts, for sure draw attention. Black headphones sit comfortably on his neck, and his black cap faced backwards.

Jacob was too in his mind to notice his best friends longing looks, or that she even moved from by his side. While she was thinking about him, he was thinking about her. He is always thinking about her.

When random thoughts of Hazel would run through his mind while he was in a relationship with Emma, it felt like he was cheating. So....... he broke up with her.

He still isn't even sure if Hazel likes him back. But, he had a gut feeling that he isn't supposed to be with Emma.

Hazel focused her energy, on waving and saying her final goodbyes to the kids who actually grew on her. Hazel doesn't even like kids.

She only became a camp counselor her last two years of highschool, to increase her chances of getting into her dream college.

Even after getting in, she still continued to be a counselor because she missed being around nature and seeing her friends.

Jacob, Hazel, and Emma are the only three going to the same college. Or were. Hazel heard from Kaitlyn that Emma is planning on transferring somewhere else. Hazel had to act like she was sad, but Kaitlyn knew better.

As the bus full of kids faded into the distance, Jacob and Hazel with the exception of Kaitlyn in the middle, descend down some steps.

"You know how many hearts are broken on the last day of camp? It's like a romanci-pocalypse." Kaitlyn states with a chuckle.

"I know right? Julie and Tomas were so adorable when they got here. But now? I'm pretty sure I saw Julie, sitting with Roman on that bus." Hazel exclaimed.

"Wait, I thought Julie was with Logan?!" Kaitlyn looked at the pair confused with which Jacob just shrugged when she looked at him. "why would you think that?" Hazel asked.

"Because, I had to pull the two apart from their little Makeout session by the pier the other day!" Kaitlyn sighed and rolled her eyes; remembering how it took an oar, to separate the two 13 year olds.

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