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Three Years Earlier...

The squeaking of shoes against the gym floor irritated the hell, out of Hazel. She had to be in the gym during the guys in her grade, basketball practice. She is hanging up posters for prom next month.

Now, Hazel isn't going to prom. She's going to skip school altogether with Kaitlyn, and go to the mall. Jacob introduced his longtime friend to Hazel, a couple months after he hit her with that football.

The two hit it off easily and became close. Hazel wondered how Kaitlyn is the same age as them but, she's never seen her in her classes. Kaitlyn explained she's in all AP classes, which was no surprise to Hazel considering how smart she is.

Anyway, Hazel got detention for calling a racist teacher out during class. Even though the teacher is being investigated by the dean, the way Hazel handled it "was not appropriate for a student".

So it was either hang up flyers for prom all around school, or sit in a classroom for an extra two hours. She just got done taping another flyer onto the painted over brick wall, when she hears footsteps.

"Hey Haze." It was Jacob. Hazel recently caught feelings for Jacob but, hasn't told him because she doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Hey Jake, what are you doing here? I thought you had football practice. Why are you still dressed in regular clothes?" Jacob lightly leans on the wall making Hazel internally swoon.

"Practice isn't for another thirty minutes, mom." Hazel almost drops the flyers and tape in her hands trying to hit Jacob. The pair's giggles died down, when the loud and creaky girls bathroom door opened.

"Who is that?" Jacob asked, seemingly stuck in a daze. Hazel frowned. "Who? Emma?" Emma was a new student this year. She transferred from somewhere. Hazel wasn't listening when she was introduced in her chemistry class.

Emma wore her cheer uniform with the school colors green and white, effortlessly. Her long blonde hair in a high ponytail, adorned with a big green bow. Her lips evenly shaded with some dark green lipstick to match.

The petite girl walks over to look at the poster for prom, not caring to excuse herself as she stands so close. Hazel had to scoot over, to prevent drowning in Emma's sweet smelling perfume.

Jacob quickly extends his hand. "Hi, I'm Jacob. I haven't had the pleasure to meet you." Emma turns to him, and chuckles. "You're cute, what's your name?" Hazel felt like a third wheel, and couldn't watch this happen.

She books it out of the gym, heading to Kaitlyn's locker to hang out since her tutoring session ends around this time.

Present Day...

Jacob wasn't upset with Hazel at all. He is only mad at himself. He's known Hazel the longest. He knows how vulnerable Hazel gets in their friend group.

Friendship is very important to Hazel. It's what he has observed from being her best friend.

Hazel feels stupid for getting upset over not knowing that Jacob and Emma were broken up. But it's not upsetting because she had a chance all this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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