Advisor (Tina, Elly, Arty)

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I guess since everyone else in my family has been publicly changing issues in this country, I will, too. I don't know how, it's not like I can walk among the streets saying "Recycle! Recycle!" First I'll make a difference myself obviously and the rest of my family and friends. It isn't even just about recycling. You have to reduce what you use and reuse it! People have to start waking up. This is the sixth mass extinction! People are probably too worried about the newest smartphone. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FOSSIL FUELS!!
I guess by raising awareness about what's happening, people might get the message. Printing papers about it would defeat the purpose, to be honest.
I just got the greatest idea. Social media!!! If I could make posts about the issues, more people would see it!! I could enter things in the local, then national news! We need to spread this like a wild fire!! It's obvious that this arrangement was meant to happen. That three people who all want the same same thing are all in the same place at the same time!
I may make a note to do some speaking at school... I was busy writing so much this weekend, it's Sunday night and I'm ready for school tomorrow!! Goodnight.
Waking up to an alarm clock 10 hours later, just swell!! I grab my phone to text my friend.
Me: haaaaay guuuurl hay
Tersia: hay is for horses
Me: stfu r u ready for school today?! I'm gonna do a speech
Tersia: yeah and about what ?
Me: I guess u will see boo. Adíos!
As I get ready I think about everything. Mostly about this stupid pimple on my freaking face. I put my hair in a bun with two ribbons. One pink and one blue. Pink as as a lily pad and as blue as a summer night sky. "Hey dad," I say giving him a hug as I walk into the kitchen. "What are you cooking?" I ask inhaling the delicious smells. "Pancakes and stuff," he says. "Yum! I forgot you and mom are going to stop eating animal based products to help prevention of more extinct species?" I ask. "Bingo!" he says passing me a plate of pancakes and grits with other delicious stuff. "Thanks," I say. "No problemo," he says. I hear my parents door open. "Hey Elly and Arthur, how did you all sleep?" mom asked. "Good about you?" I ask. "I slept fine, you?" dad asks. "I slept well, who's ready for a great day?" mom asks. "We are!" dad and I say at the same time. "Are you ready to go, Elly?" dad asks. "Yeah," I say. "Are you coming, babe?" he asks mom. "Yeah," she says. We all go to the car. Dad drives to Starbucks and everyone gets the usual. He drops mom off at work and then me at school. "Have a great day at school! " he says. "I love you." I walk in the door confident, and head to class.
I remember when I went into Elly's school and talked to the principal about dress code. How the girls aren't allowed to wear spaghetti straps anywhere on campus but the boys are allowed to be shirtless. No one is allowed to wear shorts above the knee, but when boys do they aren't dress coded. It was obviously targeted towards the girls! So girls aren't allowed to wear shorts because of some 13 year old boy sees legs he'll be "distracted". Whatever. Okay, I'm doing the speed limit, focusing on the road, paying attention to lights and signs but I'm being pulled over. "Stop the vehicle!" I hear the megaphone say. The officer comes to the window. "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" he asks, rolling his eyes. "Yes, yes I do," I say. Time to deploy my inner smart ass. "I was going 85, the speed limit. Do you know how fast I was going?" I ask. The cop rolls his eyes. "Step out of the vehicle, sir," he says. So, I step out of the vehicle and walk to the sidewalk. "License and registration, please," he says. I hand him everything. "Whats your name, officer?" I ask. "Borris. But you can call me Officer Kerman," he says. "Your license seems to be fine," he sighs. "Walk to the vehicle and put your hands on the car, please. Kneel down, and keep your hands raised." " How exactly do you expect me to keep my hands raised and on the vehicle?" I ask. "Figure something out if you don't want to get arrested," he says. "Do you have a family?" he asks. "If you want to know who will miss me if you kill me and say I committed suicide, I have a daughter, a wife, both parents, and in-laws. I also have some siblings," I say. He continues to roll his eyes. "Didn't you take my I.D? Oh, you forgot to give that back, by the way," I say. "Get up," he says. "You can go home, or wherever you're going. Watch the speed limit!" he says. "I got pulled over for going the speed limit, right? No thanks! Wouldn't want to get pulled over again!!" I say, stepping in the car. As I ride past, the cop mutters something. I back up. "What was that, officer?" I ask. He looks at me and makes his eyes big. "Bye-bye," he does a stupid wave and I drive off. Not enough days in the year to be angry. As I drive home, I'm as usual checking everywhere for obstacles but as I near about two miles from home, I see something disturbing out of the corner of my eye. There's an older man, about 36 closing in on a girl who looks 14. He could be her father. But, just in case, I pull over to the alleyway and get out of my car. "Help!" she screams, when she sees me. I run towards her, she's crying. "What's wrong?!!" I ask. "He's trying to hurt me!! He is trying to kidnap me or something!" she yells. "What the hell are you doing ?! " I yell. "Nothing, you faggot! Just fuck off!" he yells. He punches me in the face, and I can her the girl crying more. I toss her my phone to call 911 and keep him off of us. "Where are your parents?" I ask. "My mother kicked me out," she's says between sobs. "And I had no where to stay. So I was looking for somewhere to sleep," she says. "Go get in the car," I say. "You listen hear man! Don't EVER call anyone a faggot again because it's rude and disgusting to say! You homophobic walnut!! And don't EVER use the "f" word in front of kids!! Don't curse in front of kids! And be nice, you freaking lettuce head! Don't kidnap or rape or sexually assault or kill ANYONE. COMMITTING CRIMES THAT AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE IN NEGATIVE WAYS ARE NOT COOL. NO CRIMES ARE COOL!!!" I yell. I go get in my car. "Do you have my phone, still?" I ask the girl. She hands it to me, still crying. I dial 911. "Hey! I wanted to get the girl away from the guy because he had weapons," I start and begin describing him and what direction he's headed. "Okay we've got it. Don't follow him, or shoot him," says the dispatcher so I don't and hang up. I look at the girl. "It will be okay," I tell her, hugging her tight, as she cries into my shoulder. I hug her until she stops crying. "What's your name, sweetie?" I ask. "Margaux Qamar," she tells me. "That's a beautiful name. Do you want to stay with me and my family or do you want to go to a center?" I ask. "Can I stay with you guys?" she asks. "Of course!!" I say. And we drive home. As I pull up to the house, she says "What a lovely home you have " . "Thank you, you're going to love it here," I say. We walk inside and I motion to the couch for her to sit on. "Don't you have work?" Margaux asks. "Oh, I'm the owner of my business so I can take off whenever I like, even though I hate to," I say. "That's really cool!" she says. "Do you want to stay here? You'll fit right in with my daughter," I tell her.
I walk into my workplace, happy to start the day! "Good morning, Tina!" "Hey, Tran!" "Hi boo!" I wave and smile to all my nice coworkers. But it's time to get down to business. "Good morning, Chello," I say to my peer. The man who has been trying to steal my position as top-security ensurer for 5 years, now. "Good morning... Tina. What brings you here?" he asks. "Oh I don't know. Probably just... doing my job, you know?" I roll my eyes. He's so... Is it cynical? I sit down, and log into the server. Clickety-clack clack click click clackety, the sound of buttons on the keyboard. I can see basically nothing, on the screen. No one ever tries to get in. I work only 5 hours, actually. Then again I get paid $25 an hour because it's a hard to get job.
"Your speech was wack as hell," says Cado. His little tag-a-longs laugh, I roll my eyes. "Blah blah blah, stop wearing native indigenous war headdresses at music fests. Blah blah blah, cultural appropriation. Blah blah blah, stop racism. Blah blah blah, there's nothing wrong with Mexican immigration. Whatever. Take all that, write it on a piece of paper, and shove it up your ass," he says. "What ass?" says one of his boys and laughs. "Maybe if you did exactly what you just told me to do, the idea -everyone is equal and you shouldn't treat people's culture and heritage as 'Coachella ready' when some people are called terrorists for doing the same thing- would get stuck in your brain a little better," I say. "What brain?" says a girl out of the blue. And all of a sudden there's huddle of basically everyone crowding around us. That's when they start pelting Cado with insults about how stupid, immature, and inconsiderate he is. But there's a unique voice and the crowd dies down. "It's not all fun and games, boy. We're tired of you being so rude. From the day you kicked me til now, you've been nothing but an incorrect, humiliatingly stupid, ugly, shitty, racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, stank-breath, ratchet, fugly, weird, and a piece of horrific garbage. Now do us a favor and fuck off? Puke face," Adran says. And the bell for school ends.
"Hey mom," I say stepping into her Porsche. "Hello, Elly," she says smiling. "Gee, you look happy!" I exclaim. "Art says he's got a surprise for us when we get home. I wonder what it is," she says. "Oh cool," I say. The rest of the ride was silent.
We walk in the door. "Hey Arty," I say. "Hi Elly and Tina! Today, as I was driving to my job, there was this little girl being cornered," Arthur starts, eventually explaining everything. "Wow," says Elly. She looks sad. "Why would someone ever do that?!" she yells. "Your mother and I have to talk, sweetie. You can go introduce yourself to Margaux Qamar, if you want. I let her sit in your room, if you don't mind," says Arty. "Margaux and I were talking. We both want her to stay here. Technically, we can adopt her because her mom gave her up when her mother kicked her out, but I need to know if it's okay with you?" he asks. "Of course!! When are we going to get that situated?" I ask. "Next week, they already said we don't need a background check because of the one from Elly. This will be great!" Arthur says.

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