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I woke up, extremely groggy, on a cold metal table. I heard a heart monitor going off in the background. The atmosphere felt cold. I sniffed and I got hit hard with cleaning chemicals. The chemical smell burned the inside of my nostrils. It smelled a lot like a hospital. My heart beat loudly and felt stuck in my throat again. Fear. Fear is pulsing through my veins. I am not sure where I am, but it's not the lair. Everything looked like a mad scientist-type laboratory.

"Fascinating. I heard the reports from the other soldiers. A human torch," I heard a familiar voice break my thoughts. A voice from the worst pits of my nightmares.

"Sacks," I growled with anger. My hands were still encased in the metallic casings. I shook my arms to try to get them loose. But my entire body and arms were chained to the metal table. My hands were chained tightly above my head. My body was also chained. Across my waist and my ankles.

"My, my, the goth girl knows my name. But you will now be known as experiment #353," the Old Creeper answered me with excitement. He eyed me. I felt as if I were an exotic animal in a zoo.

"How can you do this?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know what this evil man's plan was. I waited for the evil villain monologue to start.

"Well, from the moment you decided to eat the oranges that I gifted your father, you were Sacks Industries property. Your father had no idea, as I told him that the oranges were a welcome-to-the-company gift. The oranges were filled with an experimental mutagen. I couldn't find the missing compound to perfect that mutagen. But since you exposed the mutagen to fire, it made a new type of mutagen. Elemental mutagen. A new experiment. I didn't think they would work. The element you obtained was fire. And now the next part of the experiment is to inject you with avian DNA. Specifically, raven DNA. To create the ultimate weapon for Shredder and the Foot Clan. That is if you survive,"  When he finished, I saw a purple, glowing goop liquid being injected into my bloodstream through the IV. I screamed; my veins were burning as the liquid flowed through my blood.

"I just want to go home," I growled and cried through the screams. I hoped for some form of empathy or sympathy from the Old Creeper. But he looked more delighted by my screams than showing a hint of worry. A total sadist and psychopath.

"You are a mutant now, dear Alison. You are not human anymore," he answered me with an evil glint in his eyes. Before I closed my eyes, I lost consciousness again because of the pain.

Eric Sacks waited for the avian DNA to take effect on Alison, but nothing happened. The heartbeat monitors increased and then decreased. Her body temperature elevated slightly as well. Her body is adapting to the purple avian mutagen. But then her vitals returned to normal. Nothing else happened. No physical characteristics that he could see.

"What a waste. Experiment #353 is an utter failure. Take this failed experiment to where the turtles are located. We will get every drop of her blood to get the precious mutagen as well," then a Foot Soldier took the metal table, moved her from this room and placed the table next to the turtles' glass cage. The scientists attached Alison to the clear plastic tubes separately as well.

The turtles were in their glass cages and hooked onto their plastic tubes. They were still unconscious and were starting to wake up after they were hooked up to the plastic tubes.

The turtle brothers slowly started to come. They felt groggy. And their bodies felt like lead. They noticed the plastic tubes and metal shackles wrapped around their wrists. They all started to shake their arms. They were stuck. They were shackled around their ankles too. It kept them in place.

Leonardo observed his surroundings and took note of everything around him. They need a way out if the need arises. But right now, they had to stay alert and focused.

A man entered the room with a receding hairline and a sinister smirk on his face. He marveled at the turtles in front of him and let out a whistle.

"Wow. Unbelievable. Let me look at you. I'm a hard guy to impress, but... This is just... Wow! And we were gonna use rabbits! Can you imagine that? All we were trying to do is create an antidote." The man stood in front of them with an evil grin on his lips.

"For what?" Leonardo grunted.

Eric Sacks froze and looked impressed with the blue-clad turtle. He squinted his eyes at him and his sinister grin grew even wider.

"Say that again. I want to hear your voice." Eric Sacks chuckled and had his hand behind his ear.

"FOR WHAT?!" Leonardo growled even louder and pulled on the restraints around his wrists.

"Wow..." Eric Sacks muttered, "Well, uh, we had this plan. A plan that we're ready to put back online today. I'll show you. Karai, um... Show them." He said it arrogantly and gestured to Karai.

Two Foot Soldiers grabbed one of their men. Karai approached the restrained man with a small oxygen tank filled with some kind of chemical. It wasn't oxygen. It was something a lot worse. The man struggled against the others' hold. Karai pressed the oxygen mask to the man's face. A red gas was released onto the man's face forcing him to inhale the toxic fumes. It caused the man to jerk visibly and his skin bubbled with painful-looking red sores. The man fell to the floor.

"Do you know my building, Sacks Tower? Got that great big spire up on top? That spire is filled... ...with tons of chemical toxins. Bad stuff. That kinda bad." Eric Sacks explained, motioned with his finger to the collapsed man and continued, "In a few hours, Shredder is going to unleash all that stuff over the whole city. The initial death toll will shake world governments to their core." The man lay on the ground. He still jerked from time to time in pain and he was gasping for breath. "In thirty days, the city of New York will be a quarantine zone. And that is where my company comes in. I'm going to save everyone with the antidote that is made from the mutagen that is oozing through your blood. The government will then send Sacks Industry a blank check and I'm going to be rich. Like, stupid rich. Shredder will force this city to live under our rule. We will be gods." Eric Sacks stated it ominously, with the same sinister grin plastered on his face.

Leonardo noticed heavy breathing and noted that Alley was strapped to a metal table with the same clear plastic tubes wrapped around her wrists. She looked very pale and her breathing was not only heavy but irregular.

"Why is Alley here?" Leonardo growled at Eric Sacks again. His rage towards the man went deeper than the deepest pits of the ocean.

Donnie and Mikey only noticed that Alley was on the metal table next to them when Leonardo asked. They gasped and they also tried to get out of their restraints.

"Why don't you let her go?" Donnie asked and was appalled that an innocent girl was brought into this.

"Oh, she is not exactly human anymore. She is a failed experiment. She is failed experiment #353," Eric Sacks said with disappointment and placed his hand on Alley's forehead and stroked the locks of hair out of her face. "But because of the oranges,I gifted to her father. The oranges were filled with an experimental mutagen, she ate one of them. Her father wasn't aware of the experiment I did with the oranges, so unintentionally, he mutated his daughter without realizing it. And we will need every drop of all the mutagen in your bodies and hers." Eric Sacks grinned maliciously and pressed his fingertips together in an evil way.

The turtles' eyes widened in shock and they all looked at Alley. Eric Sacks then stepped away from the glass cages and went to a control panel.

"Let us begin now, shall we?" Eric Sacks then pressed a button on the control panel and then the turtles and Alley's blood started to go through the clear plastic tubes. The tubes changed to a deep blood red color. Alley started to groan in pain but was still unconscious.

"Alley, please wake up." Leonardo pleaded with the girl. Alley just groaned and tried to shake her arms to get away from the pain. But it was futile. She was strapped. She was trapped in never-ending pain with her wrists restrained. A tear streamed down Alley's cheek and Leonardo noticed this.

"Alley, please?" Leonardo pleaded again with a weak gasp and tried to reach out to her, even though it was in vain.

The turtles were not aware that Alley was struggling in her unconsciousness with a memory. A memory she wanted to forget.

Through An Artist's Eyes - Book 1 - Raphael x OC x LeonardoWhere stories live. Discover now