"why is she ignoring me?.."

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— in the morning —

'ugh..what time is it...' nami drowsily thinks and gets up to look at the clock.

'only 8:00 AM?....thats too early, even for me' nami sighs and turns around and sees luffy peacefully sleeping.

'maybe i'll sleep a little more since i didn't sleep that well last night' nami smiles and starts moving towards luffy (she forgot about last night)

— early afternoon —

"that sleep felt nice!" luffy says to himself and sees nami sleeping on his chest.

"hmm...she still never kissed me last night" luffy pouts

'maybe i'll give her another kiss' luffy thinks

as he starts leaning towards nami's lips and he can feels his face getting redder and more nervous.

'damn! why is my heart pounding so hard. it'll wake nami up' luffy angrily thinks to himself and decides to not wake nami up and wakes nami up softly.

"good morning" nami groans and sits up, luffy smiles.

"let's go explore today nami!" luffy softly says to nami.

"sure luffy" nami reply's and gives luffy a small smile.

— after nami got ready —

"namii~" luffy whines, "are you done yett".

"yes, yes" nami responds back in an annoyed tone.

nami jumps a little bit after seeing what luffy is wearing.

"luffy! why aren't you wearing a shirt!!" nami angrily yells at him while pinching his cheek.

"weell...na...mi....i dont...have...one" luffy spits out.

nami angrily stops pinching luffy and lets out an angry noise and grabs luffys arm.

"are we going shopping nami" luffy asks while rubbing his cheek (nami is powerful)

"yes." nami responds sternly.

— after buying some clothes —

"nami!~" luffy whines (again), "these clothes are too tight.." luffy pouts.

"heh..sorry!" nami turns around to face luffy, "there weren't any clothes in your size"

(imagine luffy in a tight shirt that shows his abs)

"woah..look at him! he's so cute" nami hears the other girls say.

nami scowls at this and glares at the girls who say this. luffy takes notice of this and try's to calm nami down (even though he doesn't know what's wrong)

"ehh...nami!" luffy calls out to nami in front of them, "there's a...ramen shop over there!" luffy stutters since he doesn't know what nami likes.

"you can go over there." nami reply's sternly without looking at luffy.

'jeez, what's gotten into her' luffy pouts.

'can't luffy even ask me what's wrong..' nami sighs and feels a small electric shock and feels someone hug her.

"get off of me!" nami yells and kicked the random person with her feet.

"nami...are you okay?" luffy finally says after receiving namis death blows.

nami is shocked at hearing this and starts to feel guilty (the feeling lasts for a few seconds and she then becomes angry at luffy)

"you idiot!" nami yells and starts hitting luffy who just smiles and laughs

nami hears a group of people gasp and also hears a small conversation

1: "my! look at his back!"
2: "it's like he just got whipped"
1: "that will leave a huge scar wouldn't it?.."
2: "agreed! although i don't think his handsomeness will change"
1: "he's hot AND brave now!~ maybe i can try to hit on him"
2: "yess! you should definitely got for it! you got the lookss"
1: "alright! wish me luck! well, not that i need any"

"ah!" girl 1 yells as she falls into luffys arms.

"are you okay?" luffy looks down at the girl who's currently in her arms

"yes, yes! thank you so much for catching me" girl 1 said as she started touching luffys abs

nami, who is pissed right now, starts to walk away angrily. luffy takes notice and wants to go after her but the girl in his arms is too heavy.

"ooi! nami!! where are you going!!" luffy calls out to nami.

nami ignores luffy and starts to head towards the forest which leads to the ocean.

"just forget about that orange haired girl." the girl tells luffy, "she's probably trying to get your attention" she scoffs

"just get off of me." luffy sternly tells the girl.

"what?.." the girl stutters, thinking that she caught luffys attention

"get. off." luffy says again and now turned his head down to look at the frightened girl in his arms.

"yes!" the girls yells scared and runs off with her friend right behind her.

'why didn't nami stop when i called for her?' luffy wonders

A/N: what if i killed luffy 😀

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