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a/n: don't read the end of this chapter if you don't like the words naked, shower, or bubbles

— at the edge of the island layer a beach —

nami curled up on the wet sand far enough so luffy can't go get her from this distance (i feel like i read this before)

"nami!" luffy called from a distance

nami jerked her head back just to remember that she doesn't care about luffy.

'i wish i had a den den mushi to call the robin' nami sighed and she started moving towards closer towards the water (towards the point where the water is up to her waist while sitting down)

nami looks tries to spot a fish or a boat passing by, but the foggy-ness of the sky couldn't even show nami the sun, and the murkiness of the water felt distgusting to the touch.

"nami?" luffy says out of breath, luffy then catches his breath and drops the question, "how come your avoiding me?"

'that idiot doesn't even know what's wrong!' nami angrily thinks to herself. she then curls up even more and lays her head on her knees, 'maybe he doesn't like me the way i like him..'

nami then feels someone put a jacket over her, she turns her head around and sees luffy who's about to fall in the water. he then suddenly drops in the water, forcing nami to try to pull him out of the water. (the waves suddenly become bigger, making it hard for nami to pull luffy out). nami finally pulls a unconscious luffy out of the water.

"you idiot!" nami yells and its luffy on the head.

'he's not waking up?' nami suddenly realizes after giving luffy her brutal hits.

"luffy!" nami calls out at last.

"luffy! luffy! luffy!!" nami yells while slapping luffy

'no..he can't die after some sea water!' nami thinks as tears start to swell in her eyes

"YOU IDIOT" nami shouts one last time as tear drops start falling from her eyes effortlessly.

"i-i..love-" nami try's to yell out

"namiii........" luffy whispers before nami can get her message out.

"luffy." nami sternly says with a shadow covering her eyes.

"what wrong..nami?...." luffy mutters out

"i..l..HATE YOU" nami screams at last.

nami stands up and starts to walk away but luffy clings into nami's waist and manages to stand up.

"get on nami" luffy drowsily says

"on what?" nami annoyingly asks

"on my back?", nami, who's still inlove with him, starts to feel her face getting hotter and hotter.

"you don't want to nami?" luffy says at last since nami isn't responding.

"eeh?! w-well i don't really-" nami gets cut off since luffy already started carrying her.

"i should feel fine enough to carry you" luffy laughs and starts walking towards their hotel.

— in their room —

"say nami?" luffy says once they settled down.

"what's wrong?" nami reply's, wiping rain from her head.

falling into your heart ♡ luffy x namiWhere stories live. Discover now