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— next morning —

"hehe! thanks robin!" nami blows a kiss at the den-den mushi and hangs up.

"who was that nami?" luffy energeticallly asks.

"oh! it's just robin" nami happily tells luffy.

"boringgg.." luffy pouts and rolls onto the opposite side of the bed (away from nami).

"we haven't done anything intrestinggg....i hope the marines arrive so something interesting finally happens" luffy whines.

"robin and everyone else should arrive today" nami sighs and gets up.

"im gonna go outsideeee" luffy pouts and starts walking towards the door.

nami grabs luffys cheek and starts pulling it.

"you baka!" nami yells at luffy. "can't you remember that this island has any type of weather?!"

"im rubber nami" luffy shoots back which makes nami furious

after nami's beating, luffy stands near the window and stares at the changing weather forcast. after a while, nami's den-den mushi starts ringing.

"bupbupbupbupbupbup" the snail calls out. (i haven't heard one in so long so i forgot how it sounds like)

"hm? have they arrived already?" nami runs over to the den-den mushi.

"hey witch" zoro's voice passes through.

"why are you here." nami sternly (and emotionless) asks zoro

"we won't make it today." zoro yawns and continues, "the thunder and wind pushed us back again but it didn't push us back too far"

"what are you saying.." nami starts to say and slowly starts to a go to an angry tone (this might be confusing to read).

"im saying that we won't make it today and will have to arrive in 2-4 days probably" zoro slowly moves away from the den-den mushi as if something will happen to him through the call.

"ehhh?!" nami yells out (finally understanding what he said).

"YOU FOOL" nami shouts through the phone and (somehow) hits zoro on the head.

"now we're stuck here foreverrrr" nami whines after she hung up angrily

"i want to go outside" luffy mutters.

"what was that luffy?" nami casually says with nerves popping out off her head and her hand tightened up into a fist

"n-nothing" luffy looks away, puckering his lips.

"that's what i wanted to hear." nami starts walking towards the closet and picks out some very expensive water/thunder repellant silk outfit.

"are you going somewhere nami?" luffy looks up and gives nami a puppy look.

"these better not get ruined-" nami mutters before responding to luffy, "come on, let's go outside"

"yes!" luffy jumps up and down and grabs nami's arm. he then starts running outside towards the ramen shop

'of course he wanted to go here..' nami sighed and decided to just follow luffy (not like she has any choice)

a/n: ughhhh this story is getting so boring and i have a highschool luna ff in mind rn but i need to finsih this one but idk how to end it since there are basically no chapters *cries*. hopefully i can end this soon bc exam week is coming up and i won't have time to write for my lovely readers.

(shout out to @GoroseLovesYou for being my first and only follower (atm), i really appreciate your comments and tysm in general!)

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