Chapter 4

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As my mom went to the kitchen my dad took me to the living room and had me sit on the couch next to the fireplace where the roaring fire was burning to keep my family warm as it rained. I was covered with my mom's big, soft afghan from the back of the couch and Inya was snuggled close beside me, watching my face with concerned eyes.

The lynx was curled around my feet and lazily looked from my dad to me as he seemed to soak in the heat from the crackling fire. Dad reached over from his seat on the stone hearth and scratched the big cat's ears.

"This is Sunchaser." Dad said quietly, as the big cat leaned back for him to rub his chin.

"Your mothers friend is Stardust," he added, pointing to the snowy owl now placidly preening on the exposed cross beam above our heads. "and of course you've met Inya, there."

My mom came into the living room and handed steaming mugs of strong black tea to me and my dad, then returned a minute later to sit beside Inya and sipped hers. "Star may seem a little aloof, but she takes her job as look out seriously. You think you're being ignored, but she sees and hears everything."

For a while no one spoke. The fire crackled comfortingly. The tea seemed to thaw my frozen fingers and soothed my jangled nerves. Inya shifted her position and laid her chin and one paw on my lap. Her golden eyes seemed to look softly into my heart.

"Do not be afraid, my Moon," I heard her voice speak quietly in my mind. "We are all here for you and you are safe."

"My moon?" I whispered out loud.

"What, dear?" Mom asked softly.

I smiled weakly at Inya and her eyes seemed to glow. She thumped her tail and mom smiled.

"Did she name you?" Dad asked. "Sunchaser calls me Sunfather."

"Star calls me Snowmother." Said mom.

"She called me her Moon." I replied, smiling at Inya.

"Moon." said my mom, raising her brows and nodding at dad.

"Moon," echoed dad. "looks like we have become a family of Earth elements."

"A family of what? " I asked in confusion.

"Earth elements," repeated dad. "Think about it. Sunfather is heat and light. Snowmother is cold and snowy. Moon is probably wind and tides."

"I don't have the first clue of what you're talking about." I said slowly.

"You are Guardians." Came Inya's voice in my mind.

"We're what?" I said out loud.

"Inya, may we hear you," asked mom in a respectful tone. "Luna does not know who we are yet."

"Yes, Snowmother." Inya's voice apparently was heard in everyone's mind.

Dad nodded and mom responded with, "thank you, Lady."

"You can both hear her now?" I asked.

"Only when she wants us to." Answered dad.

"It's the same with our allies," added mom. "That way we can communicate with each other without ordinary people knowing what we say. Our friends, here, can only be seen when and by whom they want as well."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said, setting down my mug and sitting up straighter. "no one else can see or here our friends here, and we're, uh...?"

"Guardians." Prompted Inya.

"Astral Guardians." Added my dad.

My mouth was suddenly dry again, and I reached for my mug once more. I wrapped my hands around the mug and took a cautious sip to wet my dry mouth. As I took a second deeper drink I heard Inya's voice whisper in the back of my mind. "Ask. Ask what you do not know." I looked down into her eyes and found encouragement for my faint Thoughts.

"What are Astral Guardians?" I asked looking up at my parents.

Mom and dad looked at each other briefly, and then dad cleared his throat.

"We protect those who live in the real world from the unfriendly forces of the spirit world."

"You mean ghosts?" I asked, wide eyed.

"Well, not ghosts per se," said mom. "It's really more like the spirit or nature's force of thing's."

"You mean people?" I asked.

"Well, yes, but animals, trees, water... All kinds of things," dad answered. "Our friends here help us to keep in tune, you might say, so that we can be aware of all things in our realm. Our realm is the living world. Their realm is the spirit world. Since we are a tuned to each other, we can be aware of both realms and keep track of both good and bad influences."

I sat staring at my parents in stunned silence.

"Breathe." I heard Inya say.

I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. Mom leaned forward and took the mug from my Hands. "It's getting late dear. Tomorrow is the last day of school. If you're going, you'd better get to bed. And you'd best take Moondance up to your room."

"Moondance?" I asked

"Your sword. The dirty old theater prop you hid in the hall closet," she explained with a smile.

"You mean you knew? It has a name?" I said wonderingly.

"Yes," mom answered as she turned me toward the hallway. "that was a pretty flimsy story, you have to admit. We'll get into swords tomorrow. Right now, you need to take her up to your room."

"Her? The sword's a she?" I stammered.

"Yes. Her name is Moondance. Inya will show you where she can rest and she will stay with you both tonight. Close guard is beat when you're new at this. Take a nice hot bath, dear. You'll rest better and we can continue this in the morning." Said mom.

I looked up and saw Inya sitting by the hall closet. A cool blue light shown from under the door. When I opened the door, it was like stepping out into a fresh spring night. I reached behind the old coats and wrapped my hand around the hilt of the sword. It felt cool but alive somehow. When I pulled it out, it was like the moon coming out from behind a cloud. It glowed gently and I heard a peaceful song in my mind.

"She's singing," I whispered.

"That means she's happy to be with us," said mom, "and especially with you."

I turned toward the stairs with my hand on the hilt, the blade resting on my open palm, and the sound of the sword's song in my mind. It made me smile. Looking up I saw Inya sitting primly at the top of the stairs waiting for me.

"Hey, mom," I said half turning as I went, "I don't think I'll be going to school tomorrow."

"Now why did I already know that?" she said with a grin. "Good thing it's the last day. "

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