Chapter 11

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It was eerily quiet. For a few moments I heard only my breathing and the beating of my own heart. I heard dad's voice.

"Form a triangle around the Snowmother. Hold your swords out and let the tips rest in the palm of the person next to you. Now we are past, present and future. Now this land will be cleansed. "

Mom still stood with her sword raised in the center of our triangle. The white fog was now rising and as it reached our knees I could hear ice crystals falling around us. Mom raised her free hand and a moment later Star sailed in out of the darkness and perched on her outstretched arm.

A soft white ray of light emanated from mom's sword and climbed into the night sky. As the fog reached our necks, Star picked up the white blanket of mist and ice and flew up along the ray of light from mom's sword until she disappeared into the night. The now silent fog covered us and after a few heartbeats we heard a gentle roll of distant thunder. It began to rain and the fog began to melt away.

As it cleared, I could see mom still standing with her sword raised. She grasped the hilt with both hands and brought it to her forehead. The light ray began to retract and finally reached the tip of her sword where it winked out. Seconds later, Star reappeared, circled our group and flew off to a low limb of the big oak on the hill behind us.

Mom lowered her sword and rested the blade in the palm of her hand, then returned Starfrost to the scabbard across her back with a brief whisper of thanks.

"We are done here, Sunfather." She said quietly to my dad.

Dad nodded.

"Guardians, sheathe your blades." Dad said and proceeded to sheathe Sunfire.

"Across your back." I heard Inya prompt softly.

I sheathed Moondance and turned to Liz. She stood with the tip of her sword on the ground and seemed to be swaying on her feet. Trixie stood in front of her and watched her worriedly.

"Help her or she will fall!" I heard Inya say quickly.

"Take her helmet off." Said mom, catching Liz under one arm to help steady her.

I lifted off Liz's helmet and saw her face was as white as the fog that had surrounded us.

"Lizzie? It's okay, it's over. We did it," I said looking into her still shocked eyes.

"Okay?" She asked slowly.

"Okay," I repeated. "Let's go back to the house."

"I've got her," said dad, lifting Liz into his arms. "Let's get out of the rain and get warmed up."

He strode up the hill with Liz while mom and I followed with her sword and helmet. We topped the hill near the big oak and started down into the yard. Mark and Marie saw us at the same time.

"Liz?!" Mark yelled, dropping his hammer and racing toward us.

"She's okay," dad said, not breaking his stride. "She's just really tired and cold, and just a little freaked out. She'll be fine once we get out of this rain and get her warmed up."

"I'm okay, daddy." Liz said with a weak smile as Mark fell in step with dad.

"Marie, catch the door," Mark called.

"She's okay, just worn out."

Marie popped the spring off the screen door and hurried to open the kitchen door. In a few minutes we were all in the living room settling Liz on the couch and poking up a fire in the fireplace.

"How do I get out of this?" Liz asked through chattering teeth as she looked at her armored body.

Mom and I looked at her and then at dad as one final clap served to dust off his hands and boost the flames in the fireplace.

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