13) He brought dress

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" Fuck" I just wisper seeing our position. I just opened my eyes listening chirping sound of birds early in the morning. Her back touching my chest, my left hand under her head were she placed her head on my left arm, my other hand wrapped around her waist.

I immidetly removed my hand from her waist. I slowly hold her head, removed my left hand below from her head and covered her from bedsheet.

" Even if someone lift this girl from her sleep, she will not get up from sleep.  Stupid girl "  I looked towards her who was peacefully sleeping.

" Why the hell even I concert about her if someone take her in the sleep? " 

Fuck my mind, I started too much thinking. I blamed my mind and it is needed. I need to get up from this place. I got up from the bed and change my clothes to gym clothes. I wear my shoes and walked towards gym taking my water bottle.

" Still sleeping " I shook my head taking long breath and looked towards parcel which is in my hand.

"Fuck its embarrassing" I kept it on the table thinking something.

I called swara by her name but she unaffected.  "I don't know why this idiot girl I meet"  I cursed her again. Something come in mind and I smrink. I removed her bedsheet from her but she stuggle sometime and sleep again making my mouth hung. I took Ac and increase temperature to make room cool and I left to fresh up.

I come up after bathing were my eyes meet with her. I smrink seeing my plan work as she was sitting on bed while looking towards me angrily but I ignore her.

"You disturb my sleep Mr Maheshwari" she shout but I ignore her.

"Penguin I kept parcel wear and come to office. I don't need any excuses not coming for office "  I smrink seeing her face listening Penguin word.

"Don't call me that "  she throw pillow towards me but I catch before hitting my face.

I walked towards her and bend towards her making her nevous as I can see nervousness in her face, I saw her clinching bedsheet in her hand. I smrink. I don't know what come in my mind that I just did it.

" Penguin " I pulled her nose and went from there making her nose more red. I heard her shout but  I ignore her went from there.

☆ Swara ☆


Idiot black hearted person " I don't know what he thinks himself. He calling me Penguin. Am I looking Penguin to him and how can he pull my nose Idiot stupid Maheshwari .

My eyes fall on the parcel which he earlier mention.

" Now what is in this?" I took and opened the parcel without excitement as I can't expect something good for me.

" Idiot Mr Maheshwari have some taste"  My eyes shine seeing the dress but my eyes widden seeing the other thing. I open it and gulped my saliva.

"How can he bring this?"

"Is he brought himself?"

" He will never bring for me"

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