2) Their Families

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"Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."


One small beautiful house have seen, it surrounded by small garden which makes house more beautiful. Let's peep inside and see what have inside. One small temple present in the hall, one simple kitchen and three room present inside the house and small tarace on the floor.

Swara stand infront of the house looking towards house happily. She took long breath to feel the smell of food which is coming from the house. Her eye got shine.

" Swara forget that black heart person and marriage. Your Prince charming waiting for you somewhere who will not like that black dragon who only know how to split fire from the eyes" Swara made a cute angry face while cursing Sanskaar.

"He don't deserve you swara who is beautiful, intelligent, telented. I think he have problem with eyes that is why can't saw my beauty. you are the queen of beauty " swara throwed hair back in imagination and smiled widely praising herself.

" Why I thinking about that buffalo who don't even deserve place in my thought" Swara twitched her nose and walked towards house. She bell the ring. One old lady come and opened the door and got shock seeing the girl.

" Didaaaaa I am back" swara almost fall on her while hugging her happily and twirl her while laughingly, making her breath heavily.

"SHOBHA BOSE" got happy seeing her granddaughter infront of eyes. She is leaving with her daughter and granddaughter. Her live revolves around them.

" Shoru why don't you informed early" Dida asked holding her naughty daughter ear.

" Aauch, if I told you earlier then how you will got suprised. Dida you are getting day by day old" swara shake her head making pout.

" Mummma" Swara runner towards Shomi who came out listening voice from the door. Swara hugged and twirl her happily.

" Swara I am here only, don't shout like this" Shomi hugged her with teary eyes.

"SHARMISHTA BOSE" Sigle mother of child. She raised swara with great difficulty. She always tried to fulfill all wishes of swara.

" Ok Mumma" swara again shout, shomi shake head in disbelief as her daughter never going to listen were Dida laughed seeing swara.

" Now my shoru is back else boring mother don't know the name of fun" Dida said excitedly were shomi glare her mother.

" Dida now all will be come to know that Swara Bose is back to Kolkata after three years" swara shout loudly standing on the sofa.

" Swara come down first, I don't know how her husband going to tolerate this clumsy girl" shomi pulled swara down.

" If he want me then he have to accept me what I am. I don't want dragon like husband who only split fire from the mouth and eyes" Swara said angrily thinking about Sanskaar.

" My shoru will get best husband" Dida support swara.

" That's like my Dida" swara hugged Dida from side and showed toung to the shomi were Shomi rolled eyes seeing her childishness.

" Mumma, when will di come?? " Asked swara munching the sandwich sitting on chair were some pieces falling on her dress.

" Swara eat properly" Shomi glared her, swara gave her toothy smile and again start eating in same way.

" She will come at 6pm" Dida said.

" Shona, how this red Power come in your hairline?? It becomes red" shomi touched swara's hairline so she can see it clearly making swara coughed in shock. She immediately drank water.

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