1) They Meet

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He was walking towards his destination
She was walking towards her destination
But they collided with eachother
Bonded together

" Ohhhh finally I am going to meet my Dida and mumma" Girl got exited inhaling the freshness of the air. Beautiful smile playing on her face while She was looking capturing beauty of her hometown KOLKATA.

She came back from the Mumbai after completing study. She was missing her home like hell.

She was wearing white t-shirt with shorts were her hair was opened which floating with air. Earphone tuged inside her ear, enjoying the dinchek song looking outside from taxi.

" Ouch My beautiful head" Girl rubbed her forehead as her head slightly hit with the window. She made crying face.

" Dada can't you put Spong on window. What if something happens to my beautiful head" Girl rolled her big big eyes, complaining to driver.

" I will think about your suggestions later, first thing about you so you can go home as tired got puncher and there is no garage near and also network issue" Drive got little angry and come out from the car.

" Now what I will do??" Girl widden her eyes and come out from the car.

" It's you who requested me to go shortcut but I am regretting now. I should not listen to you and for your kind information this is not safe village and here rarely found any lift" drive said regretting on his decision.

" Is ghost living in this village??" Girl asked slowly and start giggling laudly not understanding seriousnessof situation. Suddenly Rain start falling, girl and driver immediately got into the car.

" This rain also not in my Favor" she looked towards sky and a curused Rain putting palm on face and again start looking outside. After one hour Rain stopped. Girl got down from the car to see lift from anyone. She was walking on road one point to another point getting board.

Her smile got bright seeing BMW car comming, she start showing her hand while jumping on place. Car passed infront of her spreading mud over her, she stumbled and fall on the ground. Car stopped with jerk little far away.

" Can I help you" Men early 30 come infront of her following by other men, he forward hand towards her so he can help her to get up from the ground. His voice was more than he was doing some debt on her.

"He was going to beat from my bare hand" girl jerk her hair behind which was covering her face. She looked toward him angrily and got up from herself.

" If you can't see with this black goggles then why you are putting on your blind eye" girl removed his goggles and throwed in mud making him angry.

" From where this girl come?? First time in life Sir getting scolding. I will give her award if we will meet in future" other man Smiled like idiot.

" How dare you touch my goggles??" Men shout on her. She got little fear but stand infront of him confidentially.

" I have more dare and by the way why are you shouting on me?? Instead of you I should shout on you. You made my t-shirt dirty" Girl snapped on him while twitching her nose. She was trying to show her anger to her small eyes which Making her cute.

" Who said you to dance on road. You idiot girl" he throw his angery gaze on her and snapped her back.

" I am not idiot girl. you idiot non manner person. Can't you drive car slowly" girl huffed in anger putting both hand on waist.

" Just because of you I came her else?? I will see you later" he throwed dragger on Amen who was cursinghimself now.

" If I know this girl going to fire cracker on you head then I never said to help you. Because of this girl I am going to die" Amen cried in mind

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