Chapter one

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On an island deep in the Atlantic Ocean inside a cave hidden from humans and kaiju lies Y/n. The light from outside enters the cave and reflects off the crystals before hitting his face waking him up.

Y/n: *groans* Time to get up already?

Y/n gets up as his stomach growls. he walks out of the and immediately lays his eyes on a juicy looking Trex.

Y/n: *drooling* food.

Y/n runs towards the trex unaware of a sharp crystal sticking out of the ground. Y/n steps on the crystal and freezes his eyes tear up and he let's out a loud scream.

Somewhere else

Gojira queen of monsters sits inside her volcano healing from a battle with her rival.

Gojira: Nothing like a nice lava bath after a victory.

She feels an intense power spike followed by a roar that shakes the island.

Gojira: What the hell was that?! Is it a new kaiju?

Back with Y/n

Y/n hops around holding his injured leg.

Y/n: Oh come on why'd it have to be a crystal!

He pulls the crystal out of his foot and walks to the ocean and Soaks his foot in the water and immediately pulls it out.

Y/n: Ouch! Why does it burn?!

Y/n rubs his injured leg unaware of a massive wave heading towards him. Something leaps out of the water and tackles Y/n causing him to slide across the beach.

Y/n: Ow.....

Y/n looks at what tackled him and sees a kaiju inspecting him.

Y/n watched as the female kaiju proceeded to poke his chest before grabbing his cheeks and stretching them

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Y/n watched as the female kaiju proceeded to poke his chest before grabbing his cheeks and stretching them.

???: So you're in the new kaiju? For a girl your awfully flat where are your boobs?

Y/n: I'm a guy? And What's a boob?

???: Boobs are these things on my chest

She gestures to her breast and Y/n stares at them curiously before grabbing one.

Y/n: So these are boobs?

He lightly squeezes it the female kaiju's face turns red and she jumps off of him. Y/n gets up and scratches his head.

Y/n: Did I do something wrong?

???: N-no I'm just not used to someone grabbing them.

Y/n: Oh i'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

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