Chapter 3

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Y/n can be seen sleeping with Zilla who had her arms, legs and tail wrapped around his body.

Zilla: that's right Y/n~ I've been a very naughty girl~

She starts to unintentionally grind up against Y/n. This action was enough to wake him up from his slumber. He opens his eyes and sees Zilla's sleeping face inches away from his.

Y/n: I wonder what she's dreaming about?

Zilla: mmm~ that feels amazing~

Y/n had somehow slipped out of her grasp and left the cave deciding not to wake her.

Y/n: I've probably hunted and killed everything here.  which means I'm going to have to leave the island and search for food.

Y/n walks into the ocean and swims off in a random direction.


After lots of swimming he finally found an island with a mountain the shape of a human skull. With out thinking Y/n steps ashore and looks around.

Y/n:  This island is pretty big probably even bigger than mine.

He looks up at the skull mountain in awe.

???: Hey you!

Y/n: Huh?

He turns his head to towards the voice and sees someone standing on top of a small mountain.

He turns his head to towards the voice and sees someone standing on top of a small mountain

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Y/n: Oh hi!

The female jumps from the mountain and lands infront of him.

???: This is my Island! You need to leave!

Y/n: I'm not Here to fight I'll just get some food and be on my way.

He attempts to walk past but she tackles him. She throws a punch at his  face but he moves his head to the side letting her fist hit the sand. He grabs both her hands and she struggles against his grip.

Y/n: Listen to me-

She headbutts him before he could finish freeing herself from his grip. She gets up and rips a tree out of the ground to use as a weapon.

Y/n: Fine have it your way.

His features change with his eyes turning blood red along with claws and fangs appearing. The female hits him across the face shattering the tree into splinters. Y/n just stood there unfazed by the attack. She runs at Y/n and starts repeatedly punching him as  he continued to stand there unaffected. She continued to do this for 20 minutes before getting  exhausted.

???: W-what T-he hell are you made of?!

Y/n: Oh that's all Muscle made with a whole bunch of exercise

???: I'll deal with you Once I catch my breath

Y/n: Can I at least have your name Before we fight?

Kong: Fine it's Kong! Queen Kong!

She puffs her chest out proudly.

Y/n: Listen this fight is over you're exhausted.

Kong: You Underestimate my power.

Y/n: Don't do it. it Didn't work out for the first guy

She jumps at him and he smacks her across the beach with his tail. He approached her an she closes her eyes waiting for an attack but it never came. She slowly opens them and sees Y/n offering her his hand.

Y/n: I told you not to do it.

Kong: W-why'd you stop?

Y/n: All this was my fault. I came on to your territory and you were just trying to defend it.

She takes his hand and he pulls her up.

Kong: can I know your name?

Y/n: It's Y/n.

Kong: Well Y/n, Don't think you've won! I'll be back And when I return I'll beat you and take back my land!

She then picks up a rook and throws it at him before running away.

Y/n: Okay bye!

Y/n walks off to find food while Kong watched him from behind a mountain  with a blush on her face.

Kong: W-why am I acting like this? All he did was beat me in a fight.


Y/n swims back to his island and sees smoke coming from it. He immediately picks up the pace. He walks onto the shore and sees every on fire.

Y/n: Oh no!

He made his way to the center of his island and sees an injured Zilla on the ground with another kaiju standing over her.

He made his way to the center of his island and sees an injured Zilla on the ground with another kaiju standing over her

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Ghidora: Normally I'd kill you but I need to alive until your alpha returns.

Suddenly a large shadow loams over her catching her attention.

Ghidora: Huh what the?

She turns around to see and extremely pissed off Y/n towering over her his eyes glowing a red.

Y/n: He's already here.

Chapter end

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