Chapter 2

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Y/n dodges and blocks all of Gojira's attacks outclassing her in strength and speed.

Gojira: Gotta say when I first Saw you I'd never expected you to have this kind of strength.

Y/n: Thanks, I try To keep myself in shape from time to time.

Gojira: You might be the only girl other than my rival to give me this much trouble.

Y/n: I'm not a girl I'm actually a guy.

Gojira: Your a what?!

Y/n: You heard me i'm a guy.

Gojira: That's impossible!

She walks up to him and starts poking his chest and feeling his forearms.

Gojira: It's impossible but you're right here

Zilla watches from the shore in jealously.

Zilla: Get your hands away from him you bimbo!

Gojira snaps out of her Trance and jumps back and gets back into her fighting stance.

Gojira: Why didn't you attack me? My guard was down.

Y/n: I was curious what you were doing so I didn't attack.

Gojira: Whatever, male kaiju or not  i'm taking you down.

The spikes on her back glow blue and she fires her atomic breath at him. Y/n  made no effort to move or block and just stood there. Zilla watched in worry as he was hit by it. The smoke clears and reveals an unharmed Y/n

Gojira: What the hell?!

Y/n: I'm only gonna say this once walk away.

Gojira: No way! the queen of monsters surrenders to no one

She throws a punch at him but he catches it and headbutts her. Y/n uppercuts the female kaiju into the air. he grabs her tail mid air and slams her back down into the water.

Y/n: Stand down.

Gojira: Never!

Y/n: Look you're really injured and if this fight continues I might accidentally kill you.

Gojira struggles to get up and Y/n offers her a hand.

Y/n: Here.

She violently smacks his hand away with a red face.

Gojira: I-i don't need your help.

Y/n: What am I going to do with you

???: I'll happily take her off your hands?

Y/n looks up into the air and sees a moth kaiju

Y/n: Oh thanks a lot she's being really stubborn

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Y/n: Oh thanks a lot she's being really stubborn.

???: She's like that all the time.

Gojira: I'm right here

Y/n: Hey if you don't mind me asking what's your name?

The moth kaiju giggles and Y/n raises an eye brow.

Y/n: Did I say something wrong?

???: You're very sweet you can call me mothra.

Y/n: Hi i'm Y/n nice to meet you. Are you a friend of Gojira?

Mothra: Yes we're very close. I'm going to carry her back home

Y/n: She looks really heavy. Do you want me to help you carry her?

Gojira: Hey! Are you calling me fat?!

Mothra: I don't think that's what he meant Goji.

Gojira: I told you to stop calling me that.

Mothra: And I told you to stop blowing up buildings but here we are.

Gojira frowns and turns away.

Mothra: Thanks for the offer Y/n but I think I can manage. But you're free to visit my island anytime~

Y/n: Sure I'd love to.

Mothra: I look forward to seeing you~

She picks up Gojira and flies away as Y/n walks back to shore and immediately gets tackled by Zilla who rubs her face against his.

Zilla: I'm so glad you're ok! I thought Gojira was going to disintegrate you.

Y/n: Thanks for helping me Even though you only known me for about a few minutes.

Zilla: You're welcome. Now that you defeated Gojira word will definitely spread And more kaiju's will probably want to challenge you. Which is why i'm gonna join your pack.

Y/n: That's great!

He hugs Zilla and lifts her off the ground before he froze.

Y/n: What's a pack?

With Gojira

Gojira lays down in her underwater cave next to Mothra recovering.

Gojira: Who does he think he is?!

Mothra: The kaiju that beat you.

Gojira: You call that a victory. I was already injured. He just caught me by the surprise that's all. As soon as I'm fully healed I'm going right back to his island and i'm going to show him who the true alpha is.

Mothra: Are you talking about in a fight or in bed~

Gojira's face turns red.

Gojira: D-don't be silly Mothra I'd never mate with someone like him.

Mothra smirks.

Mothra: I'm so glad you feel that way Goji. Because I could use a big strong kaiju to Repupulate my species~

Gojira: You stay away from him!

Mothra: Oh and Here I thought you didn't like him~

Gojira turns away from Mothra as she giggles.

Somewhere else.

A female kaiju watches the fight between Y/n and Gojira on a monitor.

???: A male kaiju.

She watches as he effortlessly beats Gojira.

???: To beat my rival so easily. I must have him by my side as my king. Gigan Take us back to earth.

Gigan: Y-yes queen Ghidora.

Ghidora licks her lips as she stares at the image of Y/n on the monitor.

Ghidora: You will be mine.

Chapter end

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