Chapter 4

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Y/n stares a Ghidora with nothing but rage while she just smiled Sadistically.

Ghidora: So you're the male kaiju?  you look so much better in person~

Y/n: .....

Ghidora: what wrong? Don't tell me you actually care about this weakling
Why settle for her when you can have me.

She does a pose showing off her figure but Y/n could care less about that. He ignores Ghidora and walks over to Zilla and kneels down next to her.

Y/n: are you ok? I'm so sorry I shouldn't have left you alone.

Zilla: I-it's ok it's not your fault.

Ghidora: You dare ignore your queen! Gigan do it!

Suddenly another kaiju came down from above and lands on his back.

Gigan: Got him my queen!

She puts a collar around his neck before he grabs her and smashes her head into the ground repeatedly until she lost consciousness.

Y/n: pathetic

Seeing such a display of power and violence Ghidora couldn't help but be turned on by it.

Ghidora: Wow, impressive~ submit to me and I'll make you a king.

Y/n: Why would I submit to someone weaker than me?

Ghidora: You don't have a choice.

She pulls out a remote and presses the button. The collar around his neck delivers an electric shock to him body.

Y/n: Ahhh!!!

He falls to his knees and Ghidora smiled pleased that the collar worked.

Ghidora: Good. From now on you belong to me.

Y/n grabs the collar and tries to pull it off but gets shocked.

Ghidora: Did you really think It would have been that easy to remove?

Y/n: Kinda.

Y/n attacks Ghidora but she dodges and uses her gravity beam to knock him down.

Ghidora: Just submit to me I promise I'll make it feel good~

Y/n: No way.

Ghidora: Then I'll just take you by force.

She rushed towards him and starts throwing punches and kicks at him. He dodges all her attacks and lands a punch on her face sending her crashing into a mountain.

Ghidora: You dare strike your queen!

She flies towards Y/n and grabs him. She starts flying into the sky. She then let's him go allowing Y/n to fall back down to earth.

Y/n: Wait a minute can't i-

Before he could finish he crashes into the ground creating a huge crater.

Y/n: Fly....

He was about to get up when Ghidora comes down from above and stomps down on his chest.

Ghidora: Had enough punishment yet~

Y/n's eyes shot open and he thrusts his claws into her stomach Absorbing all her energy. Ghidora falls on the ground unable to move.

Ghidora: W-what did you do?

Y/n: Absorbed all your energy. The only reason I haven't killed you is because I don't want to slip back into my old ways.

Y/n walks back over to Zilla and picks her up.

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