Chapter 5

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Y/n roamed around the island before arriving in a clearing with a giant river.

Y/n: This island is awesome.

The sound of something approaching catches his attention.

Y/n: Huh?

Something leaps out of the bushes and  tries to tackle him. Y/n quickly catches  the person who just turned out to be a kaiju

 Y/n quickly catches  the person who just turned out to be a kaiju

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Y/n: Can I help you?

???: Huh? You're not Goji.

Y/n: Nope I'm Y/n.

Anguirus: I'm Anguirus but you can call me Angie.

Anguirus puts a hand on his chest and felt his muscles.

Anguirus: So you're Y/n Goji has told us so much about you.

Y/n: She has?

Anguirus: Yup she's still not over losing to you.

Y/n: Did I really make her that upset... Maybe I should go apologize.

Anguirus: Goji's fine why don't you stay here and tell me about yo-

Gojira: Anguirus! What do you think you're doing?!

Hearing the voice anguirus stiffens as Y/n turns around and sees Gojira standing there.

Anguirus: O-oh hey goji.

Gojira: Get away from him now!

Anguirus quickly jumps out of Y/n's arms and backs up as Gojira walks up to him. She then grabs him by the tail and starts dragging him away.

Anguirus: See you around Y/n.


Gojira takes him to another clearing and let's him go.

Y/n: Why'd you take me here?

Gojira: You, me rematch right now.

Y/n: Are you sure I don't wanna hurt you.

Gojira: I'm the Queen of monsters I can handle it.

Y/n: Didn't I beat you last time?

Gojira got angry and starts stomping her foot like a child throwing a tantrum.

Gojira: You got lucky I was Still healing from my last fight!

Y/n: If you were Injured why did you come fight me?

Gojira: I thought you'd be easy to handle. Now get ready I won't lose

Y/n: Alright let's do it.

Gojira gets into a fighting stance and attacks. She throws a punch at him and he easily blocks. he then uppercuts Gojira causing her to step back a bit she growls and fires her atomic breath at him destroying the trees and incinerating the nearby rock. Y/n jumps into the air dodging her attack.

Y/n: You're destroying everything.

Gojira: I like it rough.

Y/n: That's a weird way to-

Before he could finish Gojira punches him in the face knocking him to the ground.

Y/n: Why does she keep doing that?

Y/n rolls to the side dodging a punch from Gojira. He takles her to the ground and pins both her hands down.

Y/n: You give up.

Gojira: Not a chance

She knees Y/n in the balls hard he froze as tears stream down his face. He then fall On the ground clutching his balls in pain. Gojira gets up and smirks as she stared at Y/n Who was unable the move.

Gojira: Mothra was right that move is very effective.

Y/n: I-it hurts so bad.W-why does it hurt so bad?

Gojira: I Told you I wouldn't lose.

She puffs her chest out proudly Y/n Fights the pain and uses all the strength he had to tackle Gojira.

Gojira: What the?!

He then puts a hand scratches her with his claws Leaving her unable to move.

Gojira: What did you do?

Y/n: My claws can paralyze other kaiju I learned that when I was sparing with zilla.

Gojira Tries to move but fails.

Y/n: It should wear off in a few minutes or so.

Anguirus who was watching the fight walks out of the bush she was hiding in.

Anguirus: That was amazing not many kaiju can outsmart Goji like that.

Y/n: Thanks

Anguirus: What's wrong with your legs?

Y/n looks down at his legs and sees them trembling.

Y/n: I'm still suffering from whatever Gojira did to me.

Anguirus: Do you want me to take a look?

Y/n: No I think I'll be fine.

Gojira who wad now able to move gets up.

Y/n: Looks like I win again.

Gojira: You used a dirty tactic to win

Y/n: I still won.

Gojira: I want a rematch!

Just then two figures land infront of them Gojira's eyes widen as she sees Ghidora and her Servant Gigan.

Ghidora: There you are Y/n~

Chapter end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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