The Start of Something More

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Monday morning of the second last week of 9th grade, dawned bright and full of anticipation. The hallways of Silver Valley High were buzzing with talk about prom, just four days away. Everyone seemed to have a plan, a date, or at least a hope for the big night.

Elle and Nico strolled side by side to their lockers, their usual banter filling the air between them. Nico, with her sketchbook tucked under her arm, glanced at Elle.
"So, prom's on Friday, huh? Any plans?"

Ellie rolled her eyes dramatically, her blonde hair flowing with the motion.
"Please, I'm just waiting for someone to ask me. But so far, nada."
She shruggs.

Nico smirked, nudging her gently. "Oh, come on. You're telling me no one's lined up to ask the fabulous Ellie Heather to prom?"

Ellie giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I guess they're all intimidated by my sheer awesomeness."

Nico chuckled, opening her locker.
"Yeah, that must be it. Or maybe they just know you'd turn them down because you're holding out for someone special."
(She's secretly referring to herself.)

Elle turned serious for a moment, her gaze flickering to Nico.
"What about you? Any secret admirers waiting to sweep you off ya feet?"

Nico shruggs back at Elle, trying to act nonchalant.
Nope, just me and my sketchbook.
I mean, if worse comes to worst, we coulf always just go together, right?"

Ellie grinned, but there was a hint of something deeper in her eyes.
"You mean, like, go together as in each other's dates? To prom?

Nico hesitated but then laughed, masking her true feelings.
"Why not? Better than going alone and third-wheeling someone else's date."

Ellie's smile widened, a mix of relief and excitement.
"Alright, it's a deal. If no one asks us by Thursday, we're going together. As friends."

Nico's heart fluttered at the thought, even if it was just a joke.

The bell rang, and they hurried off to their first class, the promise hanging between them like a shared secret.

[Lunchtime in the cafeteria]

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual chatter, but the air was thick with prom talk. Elle and Nico found their usual spot, trays loaded with food.

"So," Ellie said, catching a fry into her mouth, "any updates on ya secret admirer front?"

Nico laughed, shaking her head. "Nope, still just me. Though, if you're still free...?"
Inside, she's praying..

Ellie leaned forward, her hand resting on her chin as she grins.
"Oh, I'm definitely still free. I mean, who wouldn't want to go to prom with their bestie?"

Nico's heart skipped a beat, but now she's celebrating.
"E-Exactly! We'd have way more fun than anyone else."

Ellie nodded enthusiastically as she giggled.
"Imagine us tearing up the dance floor, avoiding all the drama."

Nico grinned back at Elle.
"Plus, we get to make fun of everyone else~"

They both laughed, the tension easing into their usual playful banter. But underneath the surface, both girls felt the weight of what they weren't saying.

[After School]

On their way home, the conversation, of course, turned back to prom.

"Do you think people would find it weird if we went together?"
Ellie asked, kicking a pebble down the sidewalk.

Nico shrugged as she looked back up at her friend.
"Who cares what people think? We're best friends. Besides, it's not like we're breaking any rules. And don't you even dare even bring up the norm!
She points at Elle like a strict parent.

Ellie smiled, a soft, almost shy look on her face as she brushed some of her hair behind her ear.
"Yea, you're right. It *would* be fun. And we'd look out for each other, like always <3"

Nico nods at that, feeling a warmth spread through her chest as she smiles back at her friend, offering her hand.
"Forever and always?"

"Always and forever," Ellie echoed and locked her hand with Nico's, their bond reaffirmed.

As they sadly parted their ways, Nico couldn't help but replay the conversation in her mind. She knew there was more to her feelings for Ellie than just friendship, but for now, she was content with the promise they'd made. They'd go to prom together, and maybe, just maybe, it would be the start of something more...
Something beyond just friendship...

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