Waves of Emotion

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Tuesday dawned bright and clear, a perfect day for swimming.
Elle and Nico had swimming class together, and the mere thought of seeing Elle in a swimsuit had Nico’s heart racing. It's just not the same now that she knows she's crushing on her bestie. She knew she needed to keep her cool, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide her feelings.

The locker room was a cacophony of chatter and laughter as the girls changed into their swimming outfits. Nico, already in her black swimsuit, was sitting on the bench, nervously tying and retying the strap of her swim cap. She glanced up as Ellie walked in, her breath catching in her throat.

Ellie, with her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, was wearing a dark blue bikini that accentuated her athlete figure perfectly. She seemed unaware of the effect she was having on Nico, chatting easily with the other girls as she played with her hair and bikini adorably in Nico's eyes.

Nico swallowed hard, trying to focus on anything but the sight of her bestie. She reminded herself to breathe, but it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room.

Ellie spotted Nico and smiled, making her way over.
"Hey! You ready?"

Nico managed a shaky laugh.

They headed out to the pool together, the humid air wrapping around them like a blanket. The instructor called everyone to attention, splitting them into pairs for drills.
Elle and Nico, as usual, paired up.

As they slipped into the cool water, Nico couldn’t help but steal glances at Elle. Every time she saw Ellie's toned body moving gracefully through the water, her heart skipped a beat.
She tried to focus on the drills, but her mind kept wandering.

"Earth to Nico," Ellie called, splashing water in her direction.
"You seem a million miles away."

Nico blinked, snapping back to reality. "Sorry, just... thinkin'.."

"About...?" Ellie asked, tilting her head curiously.

Nico shrugged, trying to play it cool.
"Just... stuff. Prom. School. Y'know, the usual."

Elle gave her a knowing look.
"Prom, huh? We're still goin' together, right?

Nico nodded, forcing a smile.
"Y-Yea, of course! You and me, tearing up the dance floor."

Elle grinned, splashing Nico playfully.

As they continued their drills, the tension between them grew. Every brush of their arms, every shared laugh, seemed charged with a new kind of energy.
Nico’s heart pounded every time Ellie looked at her, those blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

[After Class]

After swimming class, the girls headed back to the locker room, still laughing and teasing each other.
Nico was acutely aware of Ellie's presence, her mind replaying the moments in the pool over and over.

They stood by their lockers, toweling off and changing back into their clothes.

Elle paused, glancing at Nico with a thoughtful expression.
"You know," she began, "I’ve been thinking about prom a lot.."

Nico’s heart skipped a beat.
"Yeah? What about it?"

Ellie hesitates about telling the truth but then just smiles.
"I just think it’s going to be a night to remember. Especially if we’re going together."

Nico felt a surge of warmth.
"Yeah, it will be. I mean, it’s prom, right? A night to dress up and have fun."

Elle nodded, her smile softening and her tone sounding a little less happy, but still just adapting to Nico.
"Y-Yea... Exactly. And honestly, I’m glad we made that pact. It’s... comforting to know I’ll have my best friend with me."

Nico swallowed the lump in her throat, her emotions a whirlwind.
"Same here, Ellie. You and me, against the world."

Elle’s eyes sparkled as she smiled at her friend.
"Against the world.."

They finished changing and walked out of the locker room together, their steps in sync. The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and homework, but the memory of their time in the pool lingered in Nico’s mind.

As the final bell rang, Elle and Nico met up by their lockers.
"Walk home together?" Ellie asked.

"Of course," Nico replied, grabbing her backpack.

They walk side by side, the conversation flowing easily between them. Nico’s heart ached with unspoken words, but she knew she had to be patient. Prom was only a few days away, and maybe then, under the twinkling lights and the magic of the night, she’d find the courage to tell Elle how she really felt.

"So, about prom," Nico started, trying to sound casual. "Any ideas on what you're going to wear?"

But this time, Elle sighs, her brows knitting together, just deciding to be honest now. She's been holding back, but now she's just tired of the prom talk.
"Honestly, I’m not so sure anymore.."

Nico stopped, staring at her in surprise.
"What? Why not?"

Ellie shifted uncomfortably.
"I just... Y'know I don't feel comfortable in dresses, Nico. Everyone’s expecting me to wear one, but I hate 'em. It's just... too much skin and..." She pauses and looks away with another sigh.

Nico’s heart sank a little, but she kept her voice light.
"You’d look beautiful in a dress, Ellie. You always do."

Elle’s face darkened, and she stopped walking, turning to Nico with a flash of anger in her eyes.
"It’s not always about looking beautiful, Nico! It’s about feeling comfy and like myself, and I don’t feel like myself in a dress. Why can’t you understand that?"

Nico stepped back, startled by the sudden outburst.
"Ellie, I’m just trying to help. I want you to have a good time."

But Elle just scoffs, crossing her arms defensively.
"Help? By pushing me to do something that makes me uncomfortable? That’s not helping, Nico! That’s just making it worse."

Nico felt a lump in her throat, her eyes stinging.
"I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought... I thought it'd be nice.."

"For who?!" Ellie snaps again. "You or me?!"

Nico’s voice wavered.
"F-For both of us. I thought we could find something that you feel good in. It doesn’t have to be a dress."

Elle’s expression softened slightly, but the tension remained.
"You just don’t get it, Nico. It’s not that simple."

Nico nodded, her heart heavy.
"Okay. How about this: we go shopping together, and we find something that you feel amazing in, dress or not. Deal?"

Elle hesitated, but then she just sighed again.
"I’m... sorry for yelling at ya.."

Nico smiles again, even though the hurt lingered.
"It’s okay. I just want us to be happy."

They continued walking, the air between them still charged with unspoken feelings and unresolved tension. As they reached Ellie’s house, they paused on the sidewalk, neither wanting the day to end.

"See you tomorrow?" Nico asked.

"'Course." Elle replied, her voice softer before they do their iconic handshake and leaves each other for today.

Nico watched as Elle walked up the steps to her house, her heart a mix of hope and confusion. Maybe, just maybe, prom would be the night everything changed.

As she turned to head home, she couldn’t help but smile, despite the tension. The water had made waves. Waves of emotion, and she was ready to see where they would take her.

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