[My Loving Husband]

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My husband, Keith, came walking through our bedroom door minutes later like he said.

I turned my head towards him as he walked into our bathroom to start my bath water.

"Do you want your water warm or hot?" He questioned from the bathroom. "Hot." Was all i said before i heard running water and other various things being put in it.

Keith came walking out the bathroom and over to me. I sat up as he stood above me. Keith held me as gently as he could while walking me to the bathroom.

"You go ahead and get in. I still have some work to do, but I'll check up on you every few minutes. Okay?" I nodded my head and began to unbutton my shirt.

My husband left shortly after, leaving the door cracked. I had got into the tub after my dirty work clothes had finally been taken off.

Sinking down into the water, i relaxed and let my mind wonder.

After 30 minutes of silence, i heard someone beside the tub, looking up, i saw my husband.

I looked at him confused as if to say 'what are doing here?' He answered as he saw my look of confusion. "It was quiet, so i wanted to check up on you."

"But, good news, i put whatever work i had on hold. My boss is gonna hate me for doing so, but now you have me all to yourself."

He added, sinking to his knees, he patted the side of the tub. I put my legs on the side of the tub, looking at him even more confused.

"I want to pamper my wife after she had a long day at work." He began to massage my feet.

"Just relax, My love." I closed my eyes at his reassuring words

I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing as i wasn't in my bath but instead was in my bed, i sat up in hurry.

My husband who was beside me, looked startled. "Calm down, honey! You fell asleep, so i took you out of the bath."

I actually did calm down and went to lay back down. "Did you wash me?" I asked as i finally realized something.

"Yes, i did. I couldn't just leave you unbathed. Not only that, i couldn't just leave you soaking in bath water."

I made a sigh of relief. Looking up at him from my position, i spoke, "I love you." Three simple words.

"I love you too, My love." He kissed my forehead, "now go to sleep." I closed my eyes again at his words, slipping away into dreamland.

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