You suffer the consequences of the reactions to your actions.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Opposite in direction (the law states)
but direction is decided relatively
change the origin change the relation change the direction
Equal in magnitude (the law lies)
if magnitude is magnified it is magnitude no more
collisions collide and converge into causations of calamity
elastic collisions and inelastic collisions and perfect elasticity inelastically colliding perfectly
What is Equal and Opposite to two cars crashing?
momentum is conserved =
conserve your momentum, drive with direction, don't brake, save your gas, save your moment, take a breath before you break, take a break before you crash, bumper cars bump, energy is conserved, no energy lost to Sound (you didn't scream) you bump and keep on moving, keep on cruising, no losing, nothing lost (no lives lost)
kinetic energy is not conserved.
kin and etiquette
drive and decide your direction (left right wrong wreckage relation)
respect your elders, answer your phone (relatively right choice)
cute kinetic cars collide, crumble, combine, and create carnage
energy is lost to Sound
sound of your frantic mother on the phone drowns against the pounding of your hand against the glass of the collapsed cave of your cute car screeched he screeched you screeched you scream
So much lost to Sound (direction is left)
momentum is conserved =
maintain motion moving together moving forever no stopping no breaks (you didn't brake) you break but he breaks more (you didn't break) momentum is magnified through moments and emotions (the man you hit) his mangled car his mangled body his mother your mother (frantic on the phone) fragmented moments magnified magnificently
The consequences of the reactions to your actions are neither Equal nor Opposite.
the magnitude is mangled
the direction is death
(you are imperfect, it was just a mistake)
Left Logic
Poesiaa collection of poetic expressions of imperfections and unanswered questions - please leave feedback :)