•Take Me•

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It's been three days since I've seen Matteo, he never texted me back, he never called me and I never heard of him.

It makes me so sad not being around him, I knew it... I knew it was a mistake, we should've never kissed..

But the feeling I got was amazing, the feeling Matteo gives me is unexplainable. How is it possible in such a short time to feel something so unique.

The way he smiles, his eyes following me when we were at family dinner, his fingers slowly caressing my palm, his embrace. I can feel ocean in my eyes and I'm trying so hard not to let it out... I can't..

I'm almost done with my last assignment when my room doors swings open.

'You need to help me, Eli.' Angelo runs in almost falling over the chair.

'What?' I jump from the bed.

'I need you, he's lost. He doesn't know what to do, he won't talk to us. Please.' Angelo sounds scared and it makes me nervous.

'Where is he?' I ask quickly getting my shoes on.

'Nonna's house.' Angelo starts rushing down the stairs, I'm following behind.

What has happened? Did something went wrong with his business? I hope there's nothing that can't be fixed..

As the night sky gets darker and wind starts blowing harder we rush to Marino's house.

My heart is about to burst, where is he?

'Matteo is outside, on the terrace.' I hear Mrs. Marino and walk through the glass door.

In the small light from the window I can see Matteo's silhouette just standing and looking at the sky. His hands in his pockets, I can see his shoulders moving time to time.

Slowly walking towards him I'm trying not to fall, it's a bit dark to see where I'm putting my feet.

'Hello.' I say carefully trying not to annoy him.

'Elia?' His voice sounds surprised as he turns around to look at me.

'Matteo.' I say standing in front of him.

'Why are you here?' I can hear in his voice that he's been crying or trying not to.

'Because I know you need me.' I say slowly trying to take his hand in mine and he lets me.

'Elia, don't worry about me.'

'You ignored me for almost four days, what's going on?' I ask him but I can feel my voice is shaking, I'm afraid to hear the answer.

'Because I'm a failure, I fucked everything up...' He says trying to move away but I quickly wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his chest.

'No you're not..' I say so he can hear me. 'I'm here for you like you're always here for me, Matteo. Please talk to me..' I look up and he's already looking at me.

His arms wraps me in his embrace and I can see tears being hold back.

'Elia, I fucked it all up. I'm so weak and so stupid... I trusted wrong people and now I'm in trouble...' His voice sounds so sad.

'Matteo, you're not weak.' I take his face in my hands. 'You're so strong, you're so smart and talented. You're such an amazing person. You don't even see it.' I get on my tiptoes trying to kiss his face but he grabs my jaw and connects our lips.

'How is it possible to be so perfect like you?' He breaths in looking straight in my eyes.

'There's no perfect people, there's people who actually care about each other and who wants the best for others.' I smile at him.

'Baby, you are so perfect, you don't even understand.' He gets back to my lips and I'm still melting from his way calling me baby.

Matteo picks me up in his arms and starts walking towards the house.

'What are you doing?' I look at him surprised but my arms automatically wraps around his neck.

'We're going inside, I think it's getting chilly.' He says casually and goes straight upstairs.

Thankfully we don't meet Angelo or their nonna and we're finally in the room.

'Elia, I don't know what to do anymore..' He says putting me on a bed and he sits beside me. 'I could loose it all now because of my mistake.'

'Matteo, you have to tell me what's going on... You just ignored me and then Angelo runs to me asking to come and try to talk to you.' I say standing up.

'Angelo called you here?' He looks at me and is about to walk out his room.

'Matteo, don't you dare!' I almost jump to the door trying to block his exit. 'He wants the best for you, he was worried.'

'Yeah.. Yeah... Worried now.' He rolls his eyes and then stands by the window.

'What are you trying to say?' I ask knowing there's something behind his words.

'Elia, there's so much been happening lately.' He says standing in front of me as I'm leaning against the wall. 'My project for your mum's gallery is getting declined, there's so many mistakes was made and no one told me about it. Now I'll be a bad guy in all of it even if I didn't do anything...'

I can see how sad and heartbroken he is. Matteo's hands stays on the wall caging me in, he just leaves his head down and leans on my shoulder.

'I'm here for you, whatever happens I'm here and you have your family. You know how much we all support you, Stronzo.' I hug his neck and kiss his cheek.

'Tesoro, my own brother betrayed me.' He looks at me and I can see how painful it is for him to say it. 'He thinks I don't know.' He says quietly.

My heart just drops to my feet. What did Angelo do? Why?

'Matteo what's going on?' I ask almost not hearing myself.

'He decided to do his own business and he lost a lot of money. So he agreed to fuck me over and get money from me to pay off his debts.' Matteo looks so devastated and sad.

'I'm so sorry.' I say quietly and I caress his cheek. 'Matteo, I'm sure there is a possibility to make your plan work out. I'm sure there is something you can do.' I say quietly.

'Elia, all I want to do right now is you.' He says it so seriously, my body runs with shivers.

I just connect our lips and I give in for our feelings, we both need it.

'You sure?' Matteo asks me as he lays me on bed.

'I am.' I say seriously.

'Elia, I've been thinking about you for so long, every day.' He whispers kissing my lips and then slowly my cheeks, my neck, chest...

'Matteo, I want you inside of me.' I say without hesitation, I want him inside of me and I don't care what happens after.

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