one | a grandfather's hate

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Nyssa was unsure why her grandfather hated her. She never did anything to anger him–she'd always greet him kindly on the rare occasions she'd see him, and every meal she burnt some offerings specifically for him. Perhaps it was the fact that she had been born was enough for Zeus to hate her.

Whatever the true reason was, the last 14 years of her life Nyssa chose to ignore her grandfather. That's what her father told her to do, and it worked pretty well for her. Time spent in the mortal world had always been a bit stressful when he sent every monster he could think of her way, but otherwise, they stayed out of each others lanes.

It wasn't until Nyssa turned 14 that the rift between her and her grandfather started to deepen and widen. Her father, Apollo, had birthed her from his thoughts as a life-long companion. To that day, Nyssa still didn't understand how or why exactly he had done it, but she was the result. One goddess in particular, Aphrodite, had grown fond of her, and gave Nyssa her blessing. When they realized at a young age that she was not immortal, her father decided to wait a few years, and then grant her immortality.

So the morning of her 14th birthday, her father bestowed her the gift of immortality. Even though she spent a majority of each summer at Camp Half-Blood, she had always known she wanted to be immortal–she wanted to stay by her father's side forever, her best friend. It was what she had been born to do.

The next day, Nyssa woke up weak. She and Apollo realized, after she purposefully cut her hand to see what color her blood would be, that she had lost her gift. It was no surprise when Zeus called a meeting in the throne room the day after, and declared that Nyssa could not become immortal until she fulfilled a quest.

When she asked for one, Zeus simply claimed, "One will pop up eventually, perhaps in the next 10, 20 or so years."

Apollo and Nyssa were in no position to argue. Though a majority of the Olympians leaned toward Apollo's side, their king did not. There wasn't much to be done. For the next year, Nyssa and her father tried to come up with ideas to change Zeus' mind, but they always came up short.

Camp was no better. Every time Nyssa would try her luck with the Oracle, she claimed that there was nothing to offer her at that time. Chiron tried to convince her things would be fine, but she wasn't so sure.

Toward the end of the summer of 1910, Nyssa found herself at Camp Half-Blood. Most of the year was spent with her father on Mount Olympus, though she loved camp. She had finally convinced her father a few years ago to allow her to stay for most of the summer.

She had only 5 other siblings at camp–Lydia, 17, two years older than Nyssa herself, William, 16, Mary, 13, Dorothy, 11, and the youngest camper in cabin seven, Stephen, 8. She adored her siblings; while other campers envied her relationship with her godly parent, her fellow siblings always treated her kindly. She constantly went out of her way to try to get Apollo at camp as much as she could, knowing it would make her siblings' day.

Nyssa was typically the first person up everyday. Most Apollo kids were early morning risers, yet she seemed to get up just before the sun rose. She freshened up and dressed for the day, then trekked down to the beach to watch the sun rise.

It had been a beautiful morning–clear skies, a warm breeze, the perfect day as summer wound down. Soon she'd return to Olympus and be back with her father. Another year would be spent trying to find a quest and complete it so she'd be granted immortality.

"Good morning, Nyssa."

She turned from her spot in the sand to find Chiron a few feet from her. "Good morning."

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